Chapter 19

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Once again, I stand on the threshold of my past, my home. Unlike the last time I stood here after time away, I'm not afraid of what waits for me on the other side of the front door. It has now been a few months since I've been home. I made the decision to go back to school to finish my final year. All my travels and everything else in my recent life made me realize I want to travel, but I also want to keep my family close to my heart. I have been working on a travel blog, recording my experiences of having to find ways of making money while still hopping cities and countries. I decided to take a photography course as well so that I can take the best photos in the future to go along with my blog. My aspirations are to maybe work for a company like a travel magazine or National Geographic so that I can continue to see the world. For now though, finishing school is top priority, well, second priority. First priority is to keep working on mending and rebuilding the relationships I left so long ago. Until I came home for Pawpaw, I didn't realize just how much I hurt everyone.

I adjust my bag on my shoulder and open the door. The whole house smells amazing. No doubt Mom has been cooking away in preparation for Thanksgiving, which is tomorrow. I pray that Hope has a vat of her mulled wine that she has perfected over the last few years. CharlesBarkley takes almost no time to realize someone has entered the house and comes bounding over. Bending down to give him some proper ear scratches, I can't help but beam at his dopey, slobbering face.

"Who is the best boy?" CharlesBarkley just lets his tongue loll while I show him my undivided attention. Perhaps my next set of adventures could use a good buddy like CharlesBarkley on them. That could definitely make for some fun pictures, as well as a whole blog section dedicated to those who only travel with their best, furry friend. I straighten myself and make my way to my room first. Boxes half-packed and tarps for painting still remain, but now I'm helping with the project of sprucing things up a bit in here. "Sometimes, change is good," I say aloud softly. CharlesBarkley looks up at me as if I'm speaking to him. Smiling, I beckon him to follow me to where I'm sure is nothing but a tease for him.

Mom stands in the kitchen, prepping a couple of casseroles. Upbeat piano music fills the room, and I notice here bopping her head along now and then. Our relationship may have been the most strained when I originally got home, but now I feel as though we've moved on the easiest.

"Mom, I feel as though I should explain everything," I start nervously.

"I'm going to stop you there," gently placing her hand on mine, Mom offers me a soft smile. "I don't need to know everything. Plenty of people will ask or demand some kind of explanation from you, but," she hesitates, filling me with a slight dread that I permanently messed-up anything that we had started to rebuild, "I trust you. I love you. You're safe. You're home. That is all I need to know now or ever."

"Mom," tears well up in my eyes as we embrace. I don't know how long we hold each other, each silently crying, but neither of us cares. "Thank you."

"This is your home," she pulls back to look me in the eyes. "No matter where else you go or what trouble you find yourself in, you can always come back home."

"Hey Mom!" She jumps before turning toward me.

"Oh sweetie, welcome home!" Mom makes her way around the counter quickly to give me a hug. "Would you like something to drink?" she offers as she pulls away from me.

"Has Hope made her mulled wine yet?"

"No, she hasn't made it home from work yet. I'm happy to make a drink for you though!"

"Mom, you're living in this kitchen. Please, let me get you something to drink." Her smile is so sweet as she makes her back around the counter to her casseroles.

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