Chapter 1: Meet the Angels

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Aries waved his final goodbye to his mother and father. With that, he got in the back seat of a car. The seat to the car was soft, and felt like his dad's car. The car was a black limo, with the inside painted a nice golden brown. That signified that the car belong to the queen. He rode in these a lot because of the fact that his dad worked for the queen as her personal guard. Aries was one of the chosen 12 teenagers to enter the school in The Middle, but recently the queen was threatened to be over throwned. Gemini, Sagittarius, and him are going under cover to see if any of the four demons know or have something to do with the threatening letters.

He took out his phone and went over the rules in his head before deleting the text his dad sent him.

Rule 1: Don't get caught.
Rule 2: Don't tell anyone that Capricorn is a princess.
Rule 3: Gather evidence
Rule 4: Do not take action without a knight or noble there.
Rule 5: Don't Die

Aries stared at his phone for a minute deciding weather he wanted to talk to the driver or stay quiet. He settled on talking to the driver, mostly because he gets bored easily.

"Hi." Aries said. The driver looked at him through the review mirror then back at the road.

"Hello," he said back.

"How have you been, lately." Aries startes some small talk.

"I've been fine." The driver once again glanced at Aries, then turned his attention to the road. Aries sighed and gave up on small talk and just looked out the window for the duration of the car ride.

The car stopped in front of the school. It was huge building, about 5 floors high and two factories wide. The school was way to big for only 12 teenagers. Well 13, this time. It was all over the media and newspaper. It was some kind of trend for about a week. Many news channels talked about it for a good two weeks and even after all the chosen teens got their letters.

Aries grabbed his backpack that stored a few clothes and a few small items. Like a toothbrush and a comb. The rest of his stuff will arrive in a day or two. The students didn't need that much clothes, being because of the fact that the school has uniforms. Aries ran his fingers through his chocolate brown hair, a nervous habit he picked up from a young age. His mother did the same thing, so he assumes he got it from her. Aries was a dark skin man, with brawny shoulders and an athletic build. He was pretty tall for his age and had deep desaturated red eyes that went with his hair. He had big navy blue wings that matched his halo that rested above his head.

The car drove past him, waking him up from his thoughts. He walked to the dark oak double doors and walked into the building. The building seem to split in half. One side was a school like structure that had rooms littered across the halls. The closes door to him had a sign that read, 'Principle Astro's office'. The other half of the building was a mansion. The were multiple doors but in the middle of all that was a living that could house like 24 angels. Aries walked into the room that had the sign on it.

"Welcome, you must be Aries." Aries nodded.

"I'm Mrs. Astro. I'm the principal and owner of the building. The vice principal is going to be here in a second to show you around with a couple other students. You are welcome to wait in my office or the living room with the rest of the children."

"Thank you." He said simply and walked towards the living space he saw before. He noticed a small girl with dirty blonde hair fading into a bleach blonde. Her skin was fair but not pale. Her hair pulled up into two short ponytails at the side of her head. Some of her blonde hair fell infront of large gray eyes. Her hair was around shoulder length, and her wings were light peachy yellow that basically sang out angel along with a matching halo. The male sitting next to her had long hair pulled back into a low ponytail in the back. The rest of his milk chocolate hair laid neatly in front of his lightly tanned face and deep orange eyes. His wings were a nice deep golden color that matched the halo that floated above his head.

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