The Jealousy Trap

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Requested on Instagram by: @the.familybusiness

Prompt: A Destiel story where Sam pretends to be gay for Cas so they can get Dean to admit he is in love with Cas.

Cas knows beyond a reasonable doubt that Dean Winchester has feelings for him. He knows that this isn't any old school boy crush either. The angel was sure that Dean was absolutely head-over-heels in love with him, but he was far too chicken to admit it.

He has spent months just trying to get to Dean to make any sort of move on him. Each failed day just left Cas more and more frustrated because Dean just seemed to be utterly oblivious to his advances.

One day, Cas has finally had enough he was sick of playing this same game over and over again.

He finally decided it was time to turn to his last possible hope that he had, Sam. Cas was hoping that the genius young Winchester could help him in any way with this… problem of his.

He was extremely nervous to asked Sam about this because he had absolutely no idea what the young Winchester was going to say. Cas needed to make sure that Dean was nowhere nearby when he talked with Sam. This was a privet matter. So the angel had waited hours for Dean to retreat into his own room in the bunker for the night. Once he was sure that Dean wouldn't be showing his face anytime soon Cas pulled up the courage to approach Sam with his issue.

"Hey, uh… S-Sam?" Castiel asked softly as he cautiously walked towards the hunter.

"Yeah Cas?" Sam said absentmindedly, his eyes glued to the computer screen as his fingers clacked away on the keyboard.

Cas hadn't ever really figured out the proper way to use a computer. They always seemed to malfunction when he tried to use them.

The angel rocked in place slightly before slowly saying "Can- C-Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure what do you need Cas?" Sam asked as he began to jot something down quickly on a piece of paper.

The angel pursed his lips together. He was kinda hoping for Sam's full attention in this matter because he felt it was very important.

"S-Sam... This is about Dean..."

Sam froze and looked up, his face instantly filled with concern. "Is there something wrong with him?"

"N-no, but I need to talk with you about something that involves him...”

Sam shut the laptop slowly and watched Castiel closely, analyzing each and every one if his actions.

Castiel spoke slowly and considered every word that fell from his lips next. He didn’t want to fuck this up. "S-so well, over the years... I-I have acquired.... Feelings for your brother and-"

Sam cut Castiel off and nearly shouted "I knew it!!  I so fucking called it!"

Castiel furrowed his forehead in frustration and began talking again, "Yes well that is beside the point. What I am trying to tell you is that I know Dean has feelings for me too. I see it in his eyes, but I can't get him to admit it..."

Sam was quiet now as he watched Castiel shift uncomfortably in place.

"I-I've tried various methods.... But uh... he seems to be unresponsive to all of them. I need your help Sam." Castiel whispered as he looked down at his dark polished shoes.

There Cas stood in silence for what seemed like an eternity. He quickly memorized the patterns that were engrained into the floor below his feet. He was almost two shy to look up at Sam again. However, pretty soon the tension was killing him and he pulled his blue eyes upwards again.

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