Pioneer Day

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Author's Note: Hey, thanks for reading my story, this starts when Pacifica embarrasses Mabel during Pioneer Day.

*Pacifica's POV*

Of course I wasn't allowed to just enjoy the dorky holiday, I had to do some speech. I stood up on stage and started to speak. I was looking at the faces in the crowd, when I saw THEM. That girl who almost ruined my chances of winning party queen, and her brother. I stopped for a second and suddenly felt like I really needed to be impressive.

"I'm also very rich" I added at the end of my speech. There, cool again. I asked for volunteers and then that girl (Maple?) volunteered. Of course she did. As she walked up onstage, I got a glimpse of her brother again, he was looking through some stupid book. Then he looked up. 'NOPE' I thought. I felt very awkward again. I introduced Maybeline, but then I just talked about how silly she was. Talk about diarrhea of the mouth! I just couldn't stop pointing things 'wrong' about her appearance. I tried to just shut up and let the crowd cheer, but of course I squeezed in one last, "I'm embarrassed for you" before could catch myself. I looked at her brother again; frowning. I didn't feel very cool anymore. In fact, I felt pretty...u-un-cool. It was the worst. What was I thinking? Why did I say all that stuff? I just waved to the crowd as Marble walked off stage. Northwests were always better than everyone else, so why did I feel even more moronic then Table and her stupid making-me-feel-awkward-brother?

I didn't have much else to entertain myself throughout the day, the whole holiday is basically anti-technology, so what am I supposed to do? My parents banned me from doing all the fun stuff. Some random garbage about reputation. They're so annoying sometimes. The second I was told I wasn't allowed to do anything fun, my friends ditched me to go bobbing for apples or something. Like I needed them anyways. I walked around with my parents for a little bit, mostly a lot of waving and saying 'ya'll'. Once I got bored I snuck out and walked around the main area. I was walking towards those old-timey shackles or whatever they're called, when I saw something beautiful. Stable's Great Uncle Stan locked up. As revenge for Marigold's brother making me feel all weird inside, I figured I needed something to get the Northwests back on top. I told their smelly old man that I would let him out if he said that the Northwests were the best family in Gravity Falls. 'Now, we can be even.' I thought. I handed him a piece of paper to write it down, but instead her wrote 'You Stink!' Could this day get any worse? Those mysterious twins were really starting to affect my awesome summer, and I was not having it. Ugh.

Eventually my dumb parents found me of course. I was busy stomping around aggressively. It's not like I could gossip about Macaroni and her brother to my friends because phones were nonexistent. This whole holiday was worthless. All we did was say some rehearsed words about my great great grandfather founding the town and give everyone fake smiles.

After some time, though, we were finally going to leave. The second we got home I would have to take a shower to get the smell of poor people off of me. I was in no hurry to leave though. I was hoping to see Magnet and her twin one more time. Just to show them that they couldn't make me feel all uncomfortable, especially on a day that basically honored my family. I needed a win for today, some way to get back at them.

As our family limo was driving away, Memory stops us to give us some dumb speech about being silly. I just shooed her away. But then her brother got in the way. He handed me a paper that basically said my family line was a fraud. Are you kidding me? Could nothing go my way today? "Mom? Dad? Is this true?" I shouted. Before the car started back up, I managed to catch their names. Dipper and Mabel. As we drove off once more I looked behind me through the window. Mabel was wearing that hideous top hat she got from the *real* founder of Gravity Falls and Dipper was...looking right at me! I turned back around real quick. I could not handle anymore tingly looks today.

Back in my bedroom all I could do was reread that article over and over and over again. God, my family really is the worst. 'I'm no better,' I thought. 'I just made fun of Mable for basically no reason.' I sighed. 'Wait a minute,' I remembered, 'She was the one who tried to beat me at that party! And even though her brother's a dork, he keeps making me tense. Being tense could give me wrinkles!' I rationalized. I would just keep doing what I was doing. No way was either of those dumb mystery twins going to bother me.

But even still, as the time kept getting later and later, I just kept replaying the day in my head. My heart still felt all edgy. I never did take that shower.

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