Northwest Manor

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Authors note: Hey! This episode is going to be about Northwest Manner! Mostly about what happens after though. Basically every moment is a Dipcifica moment, so I would just be repeating stuff from the show basically word for word. Buuutt this will have different perspectives!

*Pacifica's POV*

Wow, just wow. I don't even know where to start. I think that was the best night of my whole life. Even if I am grounded now. That weird tingly feeling is all over. I actually like it now. I think I maybe might know what it is...but I'll have to say it later! Okay so basically my parents made me call Dipper to come get rid of the ghost haunting our mansion! Of course, he did have to change into a suit first. The style actually suited him pretty well I think. He got rid of the ghost and actually told me I wasn't really bad. It was so awesome. Then of course I had to go and ruin it, I lied to him because I'm scared of my dumb parents. The second they ring that bell I can't do anything. Well, not anymore. That ugly plaid guy was turning people to wood, and me, Pacifica Northwest, was actually the one who stopped it. My heart's beating so fast, I think I'm going to explode.

Okay, I took a few deep breathes and now I'm good. Dipper changed back into his normal clothes before he left, but he left that dorky hat he wears. I wonder why he wore it all the time. It was actually kind of cute I think. I tried the hat on and looked at myself in the mirror. It looked pretty cute on me, but everything does. I was doing a bunch of poses in the mirror with the hat on when my bedroom door opens. I hide the hat behind my back as I turn around. It's Dipper. Oh God. "Hey, um," he coughs, "I just came back to see if you knew where my hat was. I, uh, I-I guess you have it though." He looked so uncomfortable. Of course he is, this is his precious hat, and I'M wearing it. I hand it to him, "You're lucky that hat looks better on me." He laughs. We sit in silence for a second. "You better get out of here before my parents ground me for good," I say. "Haha, yeah, I'm going."

I sigh and drape across my bed dramatically. I replay me and Dipper's conversation in my head. "I wish we could've kept talking" I say to myself. Then I sit up straight. Oh god. Oh no. It can't be! Do I like...Dipper!?! I think I passed out.

*Dipper's POV*

Defeating that ghost was one of my best accomplishments! Once I got home one of the first things I did was write down everything that happened in that journal. I even dedicated a page to Pacifica. She was technically a major factor in defeating it after all. First I draw her, then I write about how she really was different from the other Northwests. Not to mention even kind of fun. I write about how she smells when you hug her, and how, maybe it was just me, but was something going on? I think I got a little carried away, so I quickly crossed out that last part. I go to adjust my hat only to realize it's missing. I must have left it at the Northwest manor. I think about getting to meet Pacifica again and I decide to go. Forget that last part, I'm actually just going strictly for business, yep, 100% business related.

The gates are still open at the mansion, so I just walk inside. After everything happened, me and Mabel decided to leave a little early. The party still wasn't technically over, there were still some stragglers who couldn't take the hints to leave. I walk over to where Pacifica said her room was. It was probably as big as the Shack's whole living room. I open the door a little bit. Pacifica's sitting in there and...wearing my hat? 'It's actually kind of cute' a little voice in my head tells me. Nope, cut that out! I'm just here to get my hat back and leave, okay? 'Maybe she's wearing it because she liiiiikes you!' That little voice in my head is back at it again! I smack my hand across my cheeks. They're all warm. Crap, why am I blushing? This is Pacifica we're talking about. Nothing to be afraid of.

I open the door. Pacifica quickly turns around with my hat. I utter some weak thing about my hat and she hands it to me. I could barely pay attention, I was so focused on making sure I wasn't blushing. How awkward would it be if she asked me about it? What would I say? I was thinking about you liking me? Absolutely not. She said something and I laughed. I hope it was a joke. We sit their uncomfortably for a few seconds and she gives me a kind of hint to get out. Ugh, why do I have to be so awkward? I could barely even have a conversation. What the heck is wrong with me?

I go back to the Shack and go straight to bed. I don't even bother trying to watch Ghost Harassers, I just plop down into bed. I can hear Mabel giggling next to me.

"What are you giggling about, Mabel?" I ask.

"Nothing...hahha" She replies. "But, I have a question.."

"Sure whatever."

"What does Pacifica...smell like? hehe"

"What the heck, Mabel? What does that even mean? WHY would you want to know that?"

"No reason, no reason, hahaha"

I turn over to face the wall and close my eyes.

"Champagne by the way," I mumble.

Mable keeps giggling.

I was a little concerned by why Mabel would want to know that. Knowing Mabel she's probably going to go dunk herself in champagne. Sigh, she doesn't make any sense sometimes. That night I have a dream where Mabel is dousing Pacifica in champagne. I wonder what that means.

*Mabel's POV*

After that totally AMAZING party, I was completely pooped so I went up to bed. I couldn't sleep though because Dipper sat there for like 30 minutes smiling to himself and writing in his nerd book. I heard a long scratch noise and knew he was crossing something out. I would have to find out what it was tomorrow I decided. Lucky enough for me, Dipper went downstairs and left. I even double checked to make sure. I looked through the pages and what I saw was a drawing of Pacifica? Kind of creepy. I found out about how she helped Dipper save everyone, also it helps that she gave me and my friends invited to only the BEST party EVER! He wrote a whole paragraph about her. I read through it until I got to the scratched out part. The first sentence was about how Pacifica smelled when he HUGGED HER?? WHAAAAT? I burst out laughing too. Only Dipper would take note of how a girl smelled when she was LITERALLY hugging him! On purpose! He even said that he sensed....oooooh a VIBE. That obviously means he likes her! All you would have to do is look at the picture to know! He drew her the exact creepy side profile way he drew Wendy! Oh my gosh! He's over Wendy! This is so awesome!

After finding out about Dipper's secret crush, I left the book where I found it and hopped into bed. Just in time too, Dipper walked in right after, wearing his hat this time, and with a dorky smile on his face. I couldn't hep but giggle to myself. He asked my why I was giggling and I told him I just HAD to ask him a question. Of course, the question I really wanted to ask was DO YOU LIKE PACIFICA NORTHWEST??? But I couldn't just say that! Instead, I mentioned something in the crossed out part of his book. All he could do was mumble under his breathe. I KNEW IT!!!

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