The Fair

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Author's Note: Heyy! This will be kind of a short chapter because it's just going to be about that like two seconds Pacifica had Waddles

*Pacifica's POV*

Coming to this whole fair was a waste. I came with my friends, but we basically just ignored each other and looked at our phones. I don't even know why I came, I guess I was hoping to at know what nevermind. Not even worth mentioning. Still, the fair was such a bust. The rides were just lawsuits waiting to happen.

Finally-I mean, Coincidentally, I saw those twins at a popcorn stand. Dipper was doing some cool sciency calculations on it with a marker and Mabel was sitting behind it. I was going to say something, but what? I can't talk to Mabel, we're basically arch enemies now. And Dipper, well, if we made eye contact I would start acting all awkward again! I would probably say something weird. Not like I care what Dipper thinks about me. Not that I'm saying I don't care about Dipper. Not that I'm saying that I DO care about Dipper. I only like him as a friend, not that we're really friends...just whatever. Ignore that. I think we made eye contact or something while I was staring off into space because I'm definitely feeling really awkward and confused right now.

ANYWAYS, I decided I needed to do something to clear my head again. I saw some poster advertising some sort of pig give-away. I figured adding another exotic pet to my collection would definitely make me feel sure of myself; buying unnecessary things always did. I went up to the little enclosure and picked out the first pig I saw. The old farmer dude literally said it was 'Ol 15 pounder' so it really wasn't hard to guess. I was right about the pig helping me, my heart didn't feel so..fluttery anymore. I don't think the pig liked me very much though. He kept pulling on his leash. I looked up trying to find my friends only to see Mabel looking at my pig, a horrified expression on her face. I gave her a little glare. This was my pig after all. She had no business being upset. I struggled, but I walked away with that pig on it's leash. As I was walking I smelt pent up aggression and teenage hormones and turned to the source. That weird emo kid Robbie was walking away from Dipper and Wendy. That fiddly feeling hit me full force. I just gave him a dirty look and walked off. I didn't need ... whatever that kind of energy was in my life.

*Time Skip*

Coming to this whole fair was a waste. I came with my friends, but we basically just ignored each other and looked at our phones. I don't even know why I came, I guess I was hoping to at know what nevermind. Not even worth mentioning. Still, the fair was such a bust. The rides were just lawsuits waiting to happen.

I heard shrieking and saw Mabel walking around with some gross pig. I made a snide comment to my friends about finding her real twin and giggled with them. That should give her the right idea I thought. I walked a little ways away from my friends to call my parents to pick me up. There I saw Dipper looking really upset. I wanted to say something to cheer him up, but how could I? We weren't exactly friends. Plus if I tried to look him in the eyes, my heart would get all blocked up. I couldn't deal with that. I kept walking but noticed some pinkness in his cheeks. 'Was he looking at me?' I thought 'Obviously not!' I followed his gaze to Wendy and Robbie. 'Oh. My. God.' I thought, 'He totally likes her!' It was meant to be an excited thought, but I couldn't help but notice my face contort into a frown. CLEARLY A REACTION OF THE ICKY FEELING, NOTHING ELSE. Nothing else. Speaking of that feeling, it hit me extremely hard. I could barely look at Dipper, not that I was going to anyways. I decided I needed something to distract myself, so I bought a chicken. It was dumb, I know, and it kept pecking at me. The fair really was the worst.

Author's Note: Okay I know I said this would be a short chapter, but it's around the same length as the other one lol.

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