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a/n: should i give a warning about what's gonna happen in the beginning? maybe not...? jk, a friendship will be broken...there

*Time skip again, 2 months later*

"It had been a while since we planned this, Denki. You're being a coward." Sero said. It had been 3 months since they planned the whole thing but nothing is processing yet.

"That's quite rude calling him that, Sero." Asashi says.

"Well he really is, Asashi. I'm only telling the truth." Sero said, making the purple haired boy sigh.

"You better make this happen already before it's too late, Denki." Sero says. The blonde haired boy fidgeted as he hangs his head down.

"Don't be too harsh, give him time." Asashi says, trying to defend Denki.

"Time? It's been 3 months and nothing's hapening, I repeat...nothing's happening." Sero said.

"It's his problem-"

"Guys stop!" The two who were arguing stopped when they heard Denki's voice.

Denki sighs, "I agree with Sero, I'm a coward."

Asashi's eyes widened, "Denki."

"Maybe I should just stop this."

"What the hell? Denki, what are you saying?" Asashi rose from his seat from what he have heard.

"I appreciated your help, I'm sorry for wasting your time on helping me." Denki says.

"Denki, no." Asashi said.

Sero rose from his seat too, "Let's go, Asashi."

"What the hell, Sero? Help me here!" Asashi said.

"There's no point in helping anymore, if you don't wanna come with me, I'm leaving." Sero says.

Asashi wanted to stop the black haired boy but refused when the boy disappeared in view.

"You can go too, Asashi." Denki mumbles but the boy in front of him heard.

"No! I don't know what you're thinking of but please don't give up." Asashi says, trying to convince the boy.

"Like what Sero said, there's no point in helping." Asashi eyes widened and soon gritted his teeth.

"I really don't get you guys, giving up just like that. Let me cool off my mind, Denki." Asashi then walks away, leaving the blonde haired boy in there, all alone.

That's the last day the three were seen together.


*Time skip, 3 years later*

It had been 3 years since that fight between the three happened, none of them dares to talk to each other.

Denki also given up at writing, making Kyoka confused.

Everything was a mess between all of them. All of the ties are loose and someone has to make them tight again. But no one dares too. Is that how they are fonna be towards each other?

Denki hopes not. Although, he made Sero disappointed and made Asashi hurt.

He wants to go back to the great old days.

What made Denki's world break down is the news he had just heard.

"You're going to USA?"

He lost hope once again. Kyoka is going away, far away from him.

Damn it!

This time, he wanted to stop the girl. But then again, what would Kyoka think?

He decided to give up.

Like the coward he is.....

"No! I have to convince her!"

It was the day of her flight, he wonders why he was always late.

Why did he not think of this?

"You're the only one I have left to convince!"

He continued to run to the airport, he had gotten the information about her flight thanks to Shoto and Shinso.

"Come on, faster! You have to reach her!"

Even if his lungs were asking for oxygen already.

Even if his legs were about to give out.

Even if he was panting hard.

Those didn't matter to him anymore, he only focused on going to the airport.

He finally reached it...

He was panting hard but he has to reach her.

But it was too late...

"She left me already."


I can't take this, I was motivated that's why I'm doing another update. Thanks for reading!

Sorry for any grammatical errors.


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