Chapter 28: The Truth

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Chapter 28: The Truth


"You need to calm down. We don't have enough evidence if she really did it." Reign said. 

We were eating lunch, or at least, trying to, I couldn't focus, especially when I saw Shane's face. Her face just triggers me in so many levels. I swore my nose was emitting out smoke, my hands balled into fists, my eyes burning. 

Mal covered her hand over mine, trying to calm me down. "God, I don't know how feelings work! Anyone, a little help? Athena, Masha?" Mal said as she firmly grasped my hand.

I laughed lightly, relaxing a little. "I'm fine, Mal. Thanks." 

She eyed me peculiarly before begrudgingly nodding. "We can confront her later."

"I can't believe she'd even stoop down to the point she'd hire some weak ass bitches to beat me up, and for what? So I'd get discouraged on running for president?" I asked more to no one rather than anyone. "Yes, she is a bitch. B-I-C-T-H." I said, my hands on my hips.

"That's... that's not how you spell bitch..." Mal said, frowning at my supposed mistake.

"That was a meme you buffoon." 

She shook her head as she propped her chin on her palm, her elbow on the table. "Anyway, after the debate on Friday, we can visit grandma on the hospital. She said she needs to see us. It's been awhile since we've seen her."


"You've been preparing for the debate right?" She asked, looking at me expectantly.

My eyebrows shot up. "Yeah! Totally ready, I'm gonna kick ass." I said with a forced smile.

Mal pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. "I'm gonna go to your house after school. You need salvaging." She said with a huff.

I was laughing at her distress when I met Hunter's eyes, I found him already staring at me. There he is again, giving me hope. Well, I guess it is my fault to look at it like that but can you blame me?

And then, the rest of the day was a whirlwind.


The next day

As I was getting my math textbook from my locker, my eyes settled on a demonic figure named Shane, and I knew that I had to confront her. After I got my textbook, I stomped my way over to her and her friends. 

Shane barely even glanced at me before smirking. "Theodore! I'm so very glad to see you today! How may I help you?" She said in a sarcastic tone.

I squinted my eyes at her, breathing out my nose slowly before snapping. "You'll do anything to get me out of the way, won't you?" 

She raised an eyebrow, her mocking smile not dropping. "Of course! Even though I know I will win. I still don't trust that you'll fight fair." 

"So that's why you hired some... some guys to beat me up? How low could you get?" My voice rung through the hallway causing a crowd started to form around us, expectantly watching to see any commotion.

For the first time, Shane looked shocked, every inch of her face dipped in surprise. "W-What?" She stuttered.

"So now you play the innocent card?" 

"How dare you assume I'd do something like that?!" Her voice cracked as she stared at me, her eyes mixed with shock and rage.

"Knowing you? I have every reason to assume that--" 

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