Chapter 34: Friendship Over?

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Chapter 34: Friendship Over?


I walked through the entrance of the school, still feeling a little sick from what happened at Friday. I sighed quietly as I walked up the stairs, grasping the strap of my backpack when I noticed a crowd forming in the quad, like they were watching something.

I shook my head and ignored it, when people noticed me, half of their attention turned on me. I ignored it again and went straight to the building of my classroom. I got whatever I needed from my locker when I saw Rhea and Masha approaching me, their faces in panic and their clothes disheveled.

"Woah, you guys okay? You look like you ran a whole marathon?" I joked as I closed my locker.

"Theo, you're our only hope. Cielo and Hunter are fighting outside there!" Masha informed.

My eyes widened but I didn't move an inch, my feet feeling like it had the whole world weighed on it. I froze on my spot as I processed the information.

"Why?" I asked, my face definitely matching theirs.

"I-It's about you. I don't exactly know why but I have an idea." Rhea said with a frown.

I also frowned myself, thinking of what it could be but my mind was blank, at the time at least. 

"Come on, you're the only one who can stop it!" Masha said before taking my arm and pulling me towards the exit. 

The moment we were near the crowd, their attention was on me again. I squeezed through the crowd with Rhea and Masha trailing behind me. 

In the middle, I saw a very angry looking Cielo as Chadley and another boy held him back while Hunter looked dejected. The crowd around us was really loud so I couldn't hear what both of them was saying but it was clear that they have not noticed me yet.

"HEY!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. Everyone went quiet, all their focus on me, even the two. "What the hell is the matter that you two have to fight?!" I asked loudly.

Hunter suddenly looked at me, his face drenched in guilt. "T-Theo. I'm really really sorry." 

"Yeah you should be! You literally left him alone to freeze outside! I thought you were a real friend to him! That's not what a real friend would do!" Cielo said as he attempted to lunge at him... and he succeeded. 

Cielo managed to throw a punch at Hunter's face before I stepped forward, shielding Hunter from Cielo. The two boys held him again, keeping him from making anything worse. 

When everything calmed down, I walked over to a seething Cielo. "Calm down. I'll handle it." I ressured with a nod.

He sighed and slumped, letting the others hold him down. I turned to Hunter, his eyes downcast as he bit his lip.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" I asked quietly. 

He looked up to me, his eyes filled with tears. "Theo, it was never my intention to leave you here alone... freezing. You're one of my best friends and I'd never want that happening to you but..."

"What happened then? I waited for... for almost three hours there. I was freezing to death, if Cielo hadn't checked on me, I would've been... You know what? Just explain yourself." I said as best as I can with a neutral expression, my arms crossed on top of my chest.

"I-I might be the reason." I heard a girl speak from the crowd. 

All of us turned to the source of the voice to find Rhea, her eyes filled with remorse and guilt. 

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