Chapter 11

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I woke up to hugging some one. That someone was my husband. I didnt scream or budge. I liked him being closer to me. I feel like a crazy love sick puppy. I badly wanted to tell him my feelings, I was shy though. But it should be a surprise. He was still sleeping like a baby. I messed his hair and looked at him, adoring him.

He quickly opened his eyes and I soon averted my eyes. He saw our position and mumbled a sorry and freed his hands. I felt warmth creeping up my face and ears. Before I knew what I was doing, I pulled him back to the bed. He looked shocked but composed himself up. And smirked. ' what does wifey want?'  I couldn't stop blushing, what am I doing. I quickly got up to move away. He soon pulled me onto the bed and hugged me, like how we slept. Hope I won't die of tachycardia.
'stop thinking too much and sleep' I was happy that he understood what I wanted. This is why I love this man. We stayed like that for few minutes when I faced him and muttered a thank you. He smiled and moved my hair strands. ' I m happy that you trying this much, but please don't do this because someone is forcing you. I want you to genuinely do this.'
I silenced him by kissing his cheek. ' I'm doing this because I want to..' and I ran to the washroom.

The next few days passed in a blur. Me kissing his cheek, when ever I have a chance. *wink* It's his birthday next week, that's when I'm gonna confess my love to him. Im planning so many things. How to tell him and all that, most of the times I was day dreaming.

His birthday arrived and I wished him at 12 like anyone. I gave him a letter inside a birthday card, which I had wrote expressing all my feelings and how I felt towards him and how I wanted to start my life with him. I just hope I don't embarrass myself and I was feeling shy, when he opened it. I quickly told him to open it when I was not around. he gave a cute frown. I also gave him a collage containing all our photos and a brief description about all the time we spent together.

He was throwing tantrums like a baby saying that he wanted to open it now and then I told " fine but im going" I was starting to feel shy and I quickly went towards the door only to be pulled by him and I collided against his chest. " wait I want to open this with you, lets see what my cute wife has given to me" I couldn't help but blush. this man has such a great effect on me. I covered my face when he opened it, but he removed my hands and told me to look. omgg how stupid are you Diya, what will he think of me. im hell nervous. as he started reading the letter, my heart started beating rapidly and I watched his face which was brightening like a bulb. I can see the happiness glowing in his face and the big wide smile. as he finished reading he made eye contact with me and gave me his brightest smile and approached me. " can I kiss you?" he whisper yelled. I looked shocked but nodded. " not the cheeks though " he added while cupping my face I just closed my eyes. I knew what he was asking.

he then proceeded to gently press his lips on mine. that mere touch itself gave me goosebumps and I felt something stirring in my tummy. it was something new and different and I liked it. I want to be close to him forever. after few about seconds he hugged me tightly and said " you made me the happiest man today and this is my best birthday, you wont believe how happy im right now. I never thought you would propose me, no one has ever done. its always boys who have to ask girls out. and vice versa is very rare and im blessed to have that lucky woman beside me. I love you very much diyaaa"

" only a stupid woman will take this long to fall for you, believe me handsome, im lucky to have such a nice man as my husband and im tired to repeat all those words in the letter.

"haha lazy cat, lets sleep then" Praveen said stifling a yawn

we slept cuddling each other. I love this man very much and im thankful for my parents for finding him.

so guys the book has come to end. ill be updating the epilogue. thank you for all my patient readers who kept supporting me and I love you guys very much. im not that good at writing romantic stuff as im a hardcore single, bt thanks for tolerating me.

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