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Sophie’s POV

As I was kissing Zayn, my phone went off. The ringtone that I haven’t heard in a while, not did I want to hear in a while.

“Is that?” Zayn asked wide eyed.

“Yeah” I nodded. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone.

“What is it?” Zayn asked.

“A bank robbery” I whispered. I got off of Zayn’s lap and grabbed my back pack and looked at him. He stood up and walked over to me. He enveloped me in a hug and whispered in my hair.

“Be careful” he whispered kissing the top of my head.

“I will” I whispered pulling back and pecking his lips. I walked out of the waiting room walking down and leaving the hospital. I ran into the city stopping to change, and then I webbed there. When I got there I went in through the air vents and looking through to see at least 20 hostages and 6 criminals watching them.

I went and slowly went down behind on of the criminals covering his mouth and nose and holding his neck with the other. I slowly started to push on his neck until his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he went limp. I slowly set him down grabbing his gun and looking at the hostages. I let my eyes travel until I saw a familiar face and froze. Louis. Louis was there with what looks like four of his sisters and someone who could be his mom with two babies. I put my finger up to my mouth telling them to be quiet they slightly nodded and I continued.

 I walked over to the next criminal covering his mouth and hitting a pressure point that made him automatically pass out. I grabbed his gun and emptied it silently. I went to the next person tapping them on the shoulder the turned around and I punched them straight in the jaw making them fall. I caught him in time to set him gently on the ground.

There were 3 left; one was watching the hostages and the other two were in the vault. I walked over to the girl watching the hostages and grabbed her arm twisting it behind her back. She went to scream but I covered her mouth with my other hand. I kicked her legs out from under her, and she fell to the ground hitting her head knocking her out. I looked at the hostages and nodded my head at them.

“Ok I’m going to get you out of here so let’s get the children first.” I whispered. All the kids stood up, including Louis’ siblings the oldest siblings taking the babies, quietly and I walked them out. The door opened quietly and the police raised their guns until they saw it was kids and ran get them. I went back inside closing the front door, walking back. I froze in my tracks when seeing the other two criminals now walking out of the vault. They didn’t notice me yet, so I hid behind desks walking behind them. I grabbed one of them grabbing my gun and putting against his skull; his partner turned around and held his gun up pointing it at us.  The bag of money dropping to the ground somewhere near them.

“Let him go or I shoot a hole in your head” the man sneered.

“Surrender or I put a hole in his head” I said taking my gun and turning the safety off. I could see both men gulp nervously. The man dropped his gun to his side, and put his other hand up in surrender.

“Drop the gun” I demanded.  The man dropped his gun on the floor, and I threw the man backwards and I dove for the gun. I grabbed the gun and pointed the guns at the men. They looked over at me and looked at the guns.

“Go outside, now” I demanded. They started walking towards the door when one of them turned around and punched me in the jaw. I stumbled back a little, but then looked back and shot the guy in the shoulder he fell to the ground with a scream. The other guy came up and punched me in the gut; I doubled over falling on the ground. I looked up and saw the guy standing over me he came and punched me in the face. I grabbed my face in pain, and dropped my gun in the process. He picked up the gun, pointed it at me. I looked at him I tried to kick him but he was out of my reach. I looked at him his finger tightening around the trigger. As soon as he was going to pull the trigger someone tackled him the ground. The bullet shot ran out in my ears, right by my head all I could hear was a ringing in my ear. I looked over and saw Louis struggling with the man. I ran over and moved Louis out of the way and held the man my elf. I held the man down then punched him across the face, knocking him out. I looked over at Louis and sighed, smiling slightly.

“Thank you” I smiled at Louis. He smiled back.

“I think I should be the one thanking you, Hidden Hero” he smiled. I went and opened the door letting the police in. When they got in I left through the roof. I went and changed in an ally. I went back to the hospital I walked into the waiting room to see Zayn pacing the room, Liv and Niall sitting on the couch knees shaking. When I walked in they looked up, and Zayn came over and hugged me.

“Oh my god, you’re ok” he smiled pulling my closer.

“Of course I’m ok; I told you I would be careful.” I told him smiling. He let me go and Niall came over hugging me quickly. He smiled at me.

“Glad you’re ok” he smiled. I smiled at him, and Liv came over and hugged me. She pulled away and looked at me.

“Did you get punched?” she asked.

“Yes” I said, looking down.

“Ok come on” she said grabbing her bag and pulling me to the bathroom. She pushed me into a stall and I changed into some new clothes. I walked out and she told me to sit on the counter as she put makeup on my face.

“So what did your brothers think of Zayn?” Liv asked putting the foundation away and pulling out some powder.

“They liked him they are being stubborn big brothers” I said trying not to move a lot.

“Of course” Liv laughed.

“Ok all done” she said smiling. I looked in the mirror, not seeing any forming bruises.

“Thank you” I told her getting down from the counter. We left the bathroom going back to the waiting room seeing Zayn in new clothes, sitting on the couch across from Niall.

“I think the boys were going to come and see you after school” Zayn said as I sat down next to him.

“Oh ok” I smiled. We all talked about everything and nothing, a bunch of random stuff but it was fun. I loved knowing that I had great friends and a great boyfriend and my brothers were awake. I smiled just thinking about it.

“Watch thinking about?” Zayn asked smiling at me, Liv and Niall having their own conversation.

“Just stuff” I shrugged, he laughed at me.

“Very descriptive” he laughed. I smiled.

“Just happy s’all” I smiled

“Well that’s good” he smiled. I smiled too, actually happy for once since the accident.



Added superhero stuff >-<

Love you guys

 Won't update till after Christmas

You’re all amazing and gorgeous

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