Jaehyun: Seat number 13

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The sound of your alarm startled you. "Well that's just great" you thought to yourself. As you were about to hit the snooze button, it suddenly dawned upon you why you decided to set your alarm so early in the morning. "IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!" You excitedly got up from bed and started your morning routine. You then wore the clothes you picked out last night. You decided to put on makeup but went for a more natural look, when you were done you stared in the mirror satisfied at how your look turned out.You then ran down the stairs and made yourself breakfast which consisted of burnt toast and scrambled eggs. You took your time savoring your breakfast, and after decided to make coffee.

You were about to take a sip of your coffee when your phone rang. You picked up the phone and said "Hello?" "Y/NNNNNN!"
You pulled your phone away from your ear. "Hello Areum" you said while rolling your eyes. "Where are you? The bus will be here in 6 minutes" your eyes went wide as you looked at the clock "shit! Areum I got to go i'm gonna run to the bus stop!" But before she could answer, you dropped the call and hurriedly got your bag, put on your shoes and shouted to your mom "MOM! I'M GOING NOW!" and dashed through the door. You had 3 minutes to run to the bus stop which was normally a 5 minute walk from your house. The bus stop was in your view and you could see your best friend Areum getting on the bus "AREUM!" you shouted.

You ran even faster and got on the bus just in time before the doors closed. "Can't believe you were about to miss the bus on our first day of highschool" she laughed "I took my time eating breakfast okay!?" You said "So you're blaming breakfast?" She asked "HmmMm maybe" you both started laughing. "I'm glad we get to go to the same highschool Areum. I don't think I could survive being alone on the first day" you said to her. She looked at you and smiled "I'm glad that we're in the same highschool too" The bus ride to school was filled with snickers and laughters by you two. And once you arrived at school, your heart started beating faster. You were nervous. "What would they think of me?" "Will I fit in?" "Will I be able to make friends?"

These were all questions that were running through your head. But they all disappeared when Areum grabbed your hand and said "C'mon Y/N let's go grab our schedules."
You nodded and you both went to get your schedules. After you git your schedules, you both counted to 3 and compared schedules. "YESSSS! Y/N WE'RE ALL IN THE SAME CLASSES!" said Areum "Except for one" you said. You both looked at your schedule "Oh...History" she said "That's okay Y/N we're still together in all our other classes plus we would still eat lunch together" she said with a smile. You smiled back at her and the bell rang. The day dragged on and you had fun in most of your classes. You and Areum even made new friends Jihoon and Min-Jun and you guys decided to have lunch together.

It was finally the last subject of the day, History. Everyone introduced themselves one by one and were assigned their seats. "Mi Young?" Called the teacher "yes miss?" A girl with her hair in braids replied. "Please sit on seat number 12" "okay miss" Mi Young replied. "Y/N?" "Yes miss?" You replied "Please sit on seat number 14" "okay miss" you replied. You were looking for seat number 14 but you couldn't find it. "Over here" you heard a voice say. You turned around and found Mi Young signaling you to come over. You had a puzzled look on your face until you saw that the desk next to here had the number 14 on it. You smiled at her and sat next to her "Thanks" you replied with a smile.  She smiled back and said "weird huh? i wonder where seat number 13 is" she said.

You looked at her shocked that she spoke to you first. She must've noticed because she straightened her back stretched out her arm and said "My name is Mi Young" You smiled at her and reached for her hand and shook it "Y/N" you said with a smile. You both started talking and getting to know each other better and then she said "Hey call me Mimi instead" you smiled and said "okay. You can call me Y/N/N" After class you said goodbye to Mimi and as you were about to leave the room your teacher called you "Yes miss?" You asked as you were walking towards her "Y/N could you please bring this to the storage room?" She asked pointing to a box "okay" you replied.

Your teacher gave you instructions as to where the storage room should be so you picked up the box and made your way to the storage room. You opened the door and set down the box in the storage room but something in the corner of the room caught your eye. There in the corner of the storage room, you saw a desk. You made your way over to the desk and saw the number 13. You thought nothing of it and inspected  it more "Why is this here?" You thought to yourself.
You looked closer and noticed that on the side of the table, you saw a word written on it "Hi" you thought it was weird but stood up and just left.A few weeks passed by you,Areum,Mimi, Jihoon and Min-jun got closer.

One day, you had Chemistry with Min-jun and after class, the teacher called Min-jun over and asked him to get a ring of bond paper in the storage room. You offered to go with him and you both made your way to the storage room. While Min-jun went off to look for the bond paper, you went back to the desk and went back to the word "Hi" but unlike before, it now had "why are you ignoring me?" Beside it.
Curios, you took a pen from your pocket and wrote "Hello" you then put the pen back in your pocket and went off with Min-jun back to your class.

The next day after class, you snuck into the storage room to see if there was an answer on the desk. Just as you expected, there on the desk wrote "My name is Jaehyun, Jung Jaehyun i'm currently in year 2 (10th grade). What's your name?" You took your pen from your pocket and wrote "My name is Y/N and i'm currently in year 1" you left and returned the next day and the day after. You went there every single day and got to know Jaehyun more and more. You tried looking for Jaehyun but you couldn't find him in the list of students for year 2 students. You didn't tell anyone what you were doing because you were basically gonna confess to vandalizing and you wanted to have a clean school record.

One day curiosity got the best if you and you wrote on the desk "hey Jae, who owns this desk? This desk seems to have belonged to my class as we are missing a desk." The next day you returned and saw the words "This table was mine" after reading these words, you got up and ran to your classroom. You opened the doors and saw your teacher and asked her "Miss? May I ask? Who owned desk number 13? And why is it in the storage room?" Your teacher looked at you shocked and a sigh left her mouth "Well the truth is Y/N the name of the owner of that desk is Jung Jaehyun...and he died last summer"

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