NCT Mark: Feigning innocence

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The clock struck 12:00 indicating that it was lunch time. "Hey Y/N let's go have lunch in the canteen" your co-worker Sierra said. "Don't you remember? Today's Friday. She's gonna eat with her boyfriend" your friend Maddie said with a smirk on her face. You blushed and your two friends just laughed "Oh Y/N you're so innocent it's too cute" Maddie said. "I'M NOT INNOCENT!" you said while turning visibly red as your work mates were starting to look at your direction. Sierra then proceeded to say "Oh stop it Maddie. C'mon let's go to the canteen. Y/N if you ever feel like joining us, just catch up okay?" With a warm smile. You looked at her gratefully and nodded. You stood up and walked to the café just down the road to have lunch with your boyfriend.

You were known for being innocent among your peers all because you freaked out when you found a condom on the floor in the office and you didn't know what it was. But the truth is you were far from innocent. Being embarrassed by that incident you did your "research" and stumbled across some smut on wattpad and just around that time , you met your first boyfriend, Mark. Mark was... green minded to say the least. You guys never did "it" before because Mark didn't want to rush you. But in all honesty, you WANTED to do it with him, but you were too shy to ask. So to satisfy your...fantasies you would write smuts about what you wanted to do with your boyfriend.

You arrived at the café and saw your boyfriend waving his hand at you with a smirk on his face. You smiled and made your way over to him and kissed his cheek before sitting down across from him. "Hey baby, how's work?" He asked. "Same old same old. My co-workers still can't get over the condom incident and keep on teasing me saying that i'm innocent" you said with a pout. He chuckled and said
"I'm gonna have to disagree" you were confused as to why he said that "What do you mean?" You asked him. He took his phone out from his pocket and showed you what he meant. Your eyes visibly widened "M-Mark I can explain" he showed you the smuts that you wrote about him.

"Alright then, explain" said Mark with a cheeky smile on his face. You blushed even more and said "U-um well you see... I've always wanted to do more with you but you never brought it up... and I was too shy to ask..." you said. You could feel yourself turning as red as a tomato "Great. Just great Y/N now Mark's gonna think that you're a weirdo and he's gonna break up with you" you thought to yourself. But to your surprise Mark giggled, he leaned over the table and whispered in your ear "I'm staying over in your house tonight. You better be ready for me...babygirl"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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