The Decision

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Swathi was very confused..

She can not leave her parents for the sake of Akshay !

She closed her eyes and thought silently...

One question arosed in her heart !

"What if we had never met?"

This question made her think in a different way..

If she was in a calm state she would have replied immediately that she can but now?

Even a small stone can disturb the ocean 🌊

Then how can the seed of distress not disturb a girl's mind??

The ball was on her court now !

Parents or love?

Head or tail !

The one who gave life to you or the one who's gonna share his life with you !

She came to a conclusion..

It was her 20th birthday ☺️

Akshay had promised to meet her in their usual meeting spot , that's their dance school..

Swathi went there . Akshay had also come earlier to surprise her !

Wait !

Was coming earlier to the place a surprise?

Haha yes !

For the one who's always late , being earlier is like seeing a Kurinji flower after 12 years 😑

Oh yeah ! Swathi went near him !!

"Happy Birthday Swathi" he wished her 💗

"Thank you ! Let's break up" she replied 🙃 with tears rolling down all over her cheeks and a weak smile 🙂

He did not know how to react.. before he could say a word she ran away from the place..

"Why? What's wrong?" He messaged her..

"Just answer me to this question..

What if we had never met?"

He had no answer either..

"If there is a real purpose for our meeting destiny will bring us together once again" she added !

Even though her mind quickly accepted her decision , her heart did not obey !

The next few months were very very difficult for her 😑

Some how she managed to come out of his memories 💔

But for Akshay??

He tasted the flavour of his own medicine..

He realised that what he did was a big sin 😑

Hurting a sweet girl who was mad on him 💔

He read her message again and again!

"If there is a real purpose for our meeting destiny will bring us together once again"

He blindly believed in it !

He wanted to set everything right before he meets her the next time..

It took 3 long years for him to reach a good position in life..

It was Swathi's birthday..

He wanted to meet her and apologize for everything.. but he was not sure about her reaction..

He went to the dance school with zero hopes that she would come there. 

As her friend had invited her there , she had gone to the dance school..

Akshay and Swathi met eachother after 3 long years ❤️

They both had changed a lot..

Their appearances , character everything..

But one thing was unchanged..

It was LOVE ❤️

"I'm sorry.." he said in a low voice..

The next second she was in his embrace 💖

She looked up "I Love You" she again buried her face and cried...

Destiny had brought them together once again..

But not the same arrogant Akshay 😉

They both spoke a lot !

They told their love  to their parents and got married ! 

Now after 6 lovely years of marriage , they are living happily with two cute kids 🤩

Akshay had once asked her the same question !

"What if we had never met?"

"I would have lost my love" she replied ❤️

The end 💖

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