Chapter 1

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Ahh, my usual morning routine. Beginning at 4 in the morning because my parents come home drunk off their asses. If my parents aren't out drinking they are on business trips. I get up and look my door, then decided that since I'm up I could read. I'm currently reading Pride and Prejudice. My all time favorite book. I read until 5 when I decide that I should start to get ready for school.

I grab my clothes and head to the bathroom to shower. I turn the water on and let it warm up while I strip my clothes from my body. When I step in I let the water hit my body and relax my muscles. I was my hair with my coconut shampoo and conditioner. Then I was my body with my coconut body wash. After a few more minutes of just standing there and not wanting to get out; I turn the water off and grab my towel stepping out.

I dry my body off and wrap my hair in a towel. I out on my white Calvin Klein sports bra and matching underwear. Then I throw on my white jeans with a single rip in the knees. I then decide to blow dry my hair since that usually takes my the longest to do. My hair is pretty long considering it reaches to my butt. Once my hair is completely dry I stare at my reflection in the mirror. But staring at myself just makes me mad because I have so many flaws.

I go into my room and grab a plain grey sweatshirt and throw it on. I then grab black socks and my black high top vans from my closet. I put them on and go back to my bathroom. I brush my teeth and put on little makeup. I only really ever wear mascara and some chapstick. Once I take one final look in the mirror and am satisfied with my appearance I grab my keys and  back pack and head out to my truck. My parents were just waking up to get ready for work when I walked out of the house. We rarely ever talk but when they do all they do is criticize me and tell my that I could do better no matter what it is.

Once i'm in my truck I call my best friend to see if she's ready. It's 7:15 and school doesn't start until 8, but sometimes we stop and get coffee.

"Hey Bells, I was just wondering if you were ready," I ask her.  

"Hey Becca, yeah I am. I was just about to call you." She says.

"Okay, I'm on my way. Ill be there soon."

After we hang up I arrive at her house in about 5 minutes. She hops in my truck and asks if were going to get coffee. Uhh is that even a question?? I wont survive the day without coffee.

We drive to Dunkin' Donuts because lets be honest Starbucks is overrated. When we get there we order a medium vanilla iced coffee with cream and sugar and a medium caramel iced coffee with cream and sugar.

We drive to school jamming out to TikTok songs and doing the stupid dances for them. When we get to school we still have about 30 minutes until our first class starts so we just sit in the car.

15 minutes before class starts Bella and I decided to go inside. On our way into the school the two bad boys-as everyone at school calls them- were riding in on their motorcycle. The boys both have Yamaha bikes. Uhh the bikes are gorgeous.

Anyways, as we were walking through the parking lot one of the boys almost hit us. Well, almost hit me. Bella is well liked by everyone but no one really likes me. I'm mostly invisible to people at school.

Once the boys parked their bikes. I noticed which one of the boys almost hit me. It was James Cruz. Of course. I should've known. He has always hated me. Maybe it was because our parents are business partners and his parents would always tell me how pretty I was and how they wished their son was like me. They would always tell James they wished he was like me, good in school, has a job and didn't get in legal trouble.

James bike was army green, while Liam's bike was black and red. The boys walked over to where Bella and I were standing.

"Hey Bella,how you doin'," James said.

Like a love sick puppy Bella giggles and says "Good, and you James?"

I just shook my head and walked away. It's not like I was really needed there anyways. I pulled my phone out and texted Bella saying I was going to go to my locker and that I'd see her in second period as that was when we had class together.

When I reached my locker I started pulling books out that I needed for my first two classes. I felt a presences near me, bu it thought it was just the enormous amount of students in the hallway. So I just closed my locker ready to leave, but when I turned Liam was standing next to me. Shocked I stopped and I couldn't move.

'Don't panic Becca. I'm sure everything will be just fine.' I just kept telling myself.

"Hey, you wondered off before I could even apologize for what happened," Liam said.

What? He wanted to apologize? Is this a game? Am i being pranked?

I just slowly nodded my head walked away. Oh I guess i should mention that I don't talk. the only person I talk to in Bella or when I absolutely need to like when ordering food and stuff like that.

I walked into class just before class started. I took my usual seat by the window in the back corner. Ugh who decided that putting teenagers in math first thing in the morning was a good idea. It's the worst idea ever.

I'm listening to what the teacher is saying when I feel myself slowly drifting off. The next thing I know is someone shaking me awake. I look over to see Liam. Ugh what does he want now?

Then I look around and notice that there's no one in the classroom other than us and the teacher. I look up at him and give him a small apologetic smile. I get up to leave when the teacher asks me to see her.

"Miss. Bray, you know you're failing my class right?" My eyes widen in shock. What? How the last time I knew I had a B in this class. My parents would actually murder me if they found out. Mrs. Dawn tells me that when she went and graded my homework and my test I wasn't getting anything right.

Well that makes sense as to why i was getting frustrated and throwing things. Ugh what am i going to do.

"I can ask on of my best students to tutor you. Ill give you extra credit on your next test of you accept the tutoring and ill give you extra credit assignments." I nod my head eagerly to indicate that I excepted.

"Mr. Jackson would you be willing to tutor miss Bray? I will give you extra credit or a pass on one of your tests."

'Um, yes ma'am. I'll tutor her as long as she's okay with it as well," he says looking me in approval.

I nod my head and walk out of the class. Why him?! Of all people it just had to be the best friend of the one person who wants to make my life hell.

After second period which was art I went to my locker to get the books I needed for my next classes. A wave of panic sets in when I realize that left my chemistry book at home. Mr. Crawford would not except this again. I've forgotten my book too many times.

I text Bella to cover for me in English, so can run home to grab my book. My parents should be at work by now anyways so I should be okay.

I run out of the school and to my truck. I jump in and head home. When I pull into my driveway I don't see my parents cars so that's a good sign.

I run up to the door, unlock it and step in. "What the hell are you doing here bitch! You're supposed to be at school."


Hey!! So this is the first chapter to my new story!! I hope you guys like it. It's kind of long but I'm hoping the other chapters will be just as long or about the same.

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