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6:00:am In the morning
Beep Beep Beep Bee..p
Ashley groan as she don't Want to go to school but she get up anyway.By then she get a call from her bsf.
Ash:hey what up
Aa:hey so do you want me to come pick you up
Ash:no not in front my house just go down few block and I meet you
Aa:ok...(as Ashley was about to hang up Aailyah said)hey ash...
Ash:yea what up
Aa:are you going be ok
Ash:what you talking about...
Aa:like...the stuff that going on..your dad and the bullies.
Ash:hey..I be ok..don't worry
Aa:ok bye

So as I got off the phone I went to go take a shower 🚿 and brush your teeth.here your outfit.

As you were walking down start someone pull your arm

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As you were walking down start someone pull your arm.
D:were the hell you think you going
Ash:to school dumbass were else
D:HEY..don't talk to me like that
Ash:get the fuck off me
When you said that he slap you and you fell
D:talk to me like that one more time
You had tear fall down you face and said...
Ash:you know what I'm Tired of you putting your hands on me like..every since mom died or wait left..yea I know she left so stop telling me died bc she didn't.
After he just threw me over the ouch and hit but stop.then I left and ran down the block
Aa:hey hey hey...are you ok
Ash:yea I'm fine I just came fast bc I thought we was late..I lied)
Aa:no it only 6:55..we get to school 7:30
Ash:I know I just thought
Aa:oh ok
Aailyah pov:I know something wrong bc she down run and look scared when she get in the car she look happy.

We get to school and we see my bullied
One come and push me and grab me
Ash:let me go now
Marc:bitch shut the fuck up
Aa:hey let her go
As Diego and Alex hold her down
Aa:please let her go know she didn't do nothing to you guys
As Aailyah was tell them but Diego had said....

Keep going

Keep going

Almost there


Ok here...
Sorry guys I just had to do It to you guys I have thing to do today🥺😊

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