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After school
Aa:girl guess what.,🤪
Aa:Diego told me he like me but he said that we want to take me on date first
Ash:girl you should date him you Guys would be a great couple.
Ashley:yea what up
Matthew:umm I was wonder if I can walk you come
Matthew:It fine if you don..
Ashley:no no you can take me
Ashley:ok well wait for me outside the school
Aailyah:you going really let him take you home
Matthew:not all the way I'm just going say well this is my house
Aailyah:ok well let me know when you at home
Ashley:ok (as you guys hug)
Ashley:ok let go
Matthew:so you got a...boy..
Matthew:oh ok
Ashley:you got a girl
Matthew:no sadly
Matthew:I'm really sorry..I-ne-v
Ashley:look you ok...don't be sorry ok
Ashley:well look this my house so I see you tomorrow ok
As Ashley was about to leave she kiss Matthew on the cheek
Ashley was going in the house no body in the house
Ashley:thank god😂

Next day Friday 6:20 am
My outfit:

Aa:hey girl I'm outsideAshley:ok here I come

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Aa:hey girl I'm outside
Ashley:ok here I come

At school
As we both trying to hurry to get to class we get stop by the principal
P:why are you guys late
Ash:we have woke up late that all and you going make us even late if you don't stop talking
P:hey your mouth young lady
Ash:ok whatever
Aa:ok bye girl I got to go
Ash:ok get thing we right next to each other
As I walk in class everybody look and then the teacher said
T:Ashley Lovelace
T:ok what was you doing
Ash:nothing just throwing something away
T:but i didn't see you
Ash:you was busy doing that
T:ok well your new sit is next to Matthew
So I go sit next to Matthew and he said
Mat:damn that was hot
Mat:I mean that was good
Ash:oh Thxs🙂
Mat:so you do the homework
Ash:no what homework
T:Ashley did you do the homework
Ash:umm...umm I think-um I mean-
T-Ashley did you do yes or no
T:ok um bring me it
Mat:here I did it for you
Mat:ash please
T:Ashley let go
T:are you ready
T:ok take it away
Ash:hi my name Ashley and here my poetry...If you have to ask why me?when you're feeling really blue,when the word has turned against you and don't know what to do,when It pours colossal rains drop and the road's winding mess and you feeling more confuse than you ever could have express...Why me?
T:*teacher haves tears
Ash:umm..miss Martinez are you ok
T:yea I'm I just had something in my eye
Everybody laugh..bell ring
T:ok everybody next class...see you guys tomorrow
???.you mean next Monday miss

Ashleylovelace-Rip baby girl💖💖love youWhere stories live. Discover now