[6] The talk

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It was a good week in the High School after all, even I got to talk with some students which seemed very polite in greeting me for my stay there.

Rose helped me without any interest in some of my work; the thing is that I don't remember begging for help; and Anne, who sits next to me and wants to suggest me and help me as it's natural, was always being interrupted by the she devil.

Or not so devil as I thought.

She seemed to have changed a little.

Regardless of her puntual annoying mistakes, she has behaved with me real good since I came.

As usual, Brigitte keeps avoiding me.

Whenever we have an encounter, she gets nervous and wants to get rid off the situation immediatly.

Is this because she loves me back as Pyper says?

Or is it just because I'm being an obstacle in her way?

I spoke to Pyper and, now, she isn't that sure she is in love with me.

Pyper says that "she tries to forget you, because she does not really love me. And doesn't want to hurt me".

I understood she didn't want me to confuse love for affection.

But her glares.

Her smiles.

If they weren't filled with love, then I don't have any idea why I fell in love with her.

I know she is the one.

And I don't care.

I'll stay and I won't give up.

She deserves best.

Today, Friday, is my special day.

Today I have a talk in ethics class.

The one that will predict if I shall stay here, or not.

Now it's 7:15 am. And I got a text from Madame Montgomery:

"Dearie, don't you forget how much you worth this job! Cheers and my best wishes. You'll do well. Trust in yourself"

I yawned while reading the text, I still so sleepy but I have to get perfectly dressed and prepared.

But guess who's yet laying in a deep dream...

-Pyper! Rise and shine! We're going late!

-What? Where?! When? What day is today?!?

The poor woman just got up and stood sitted on the bed.

I sighed rolling my eyes, giving her coffee cup.

-Don't worry, it's a technique for you to get off those bed sheets.

She smiled a little, still sleepy and rubbed her eyes with her fists.

-I swear to God, next time you scare me like that, I will give it back.

I rised an eyebrow laughing a bit and sipped from my tea cup.

-Yeah? Oh pardon then, your majesty. It's obviously my fault that you are like the sleeping beauty.

-Both adjectives describe me so right, anyways.

We smiled and Pyper was peeking in the window, watching the grey sky threatening with a storm.

Suddenly, we could hear the thunders from afar.

-Let's hurry up, it's going to rain real heavy.

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