[12] This is not a dream

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*Ida's POV*

So some hours passed since the morning, and I woke up at 2 pm.

I checked my phone quickly, and saw lots of messages from Pyper, and for my surprise, from my mother too.

"So... where did you sleep?"

"I knew you weren't coming tonight 😂🥺"


Well, Pyper seemed to be my mother this time.

I left her on read, because I was already getting dressed.

I caressed Brigitte's cheek before going, and left her a note which prayed:

"   Sweetheart, I have to go back with Pyper. I swear we will solve everything about Rose. She won't win.


Ida  "

Then, I kissed her cheek as well and left as silent as possible.

I walked again to Pyper's house, and rang her to open me.

As she did, I went upstairs and finally entered home.

I was kind of exhausted, and the wet ambience after a rainy day left also red cheeks on me because of its cold.

So I just smiled and left my things.

-Tell me darling, what have I lost?

-Oh... well, we discovered Rose lied. -Pyper looked shocked- Marissa, a friend of hers, told me Anne was talking to her about the secret... 2 weeks ago. Which is the same date when-

-When Anne and Brigitte were having lunch in a restaurant. I remember, Anne told me to lend her some make-up.

Ida nodded and sighed, sitting down next.

-And Brigitte? How did she react?

-Bursted into tears; she couldn't believe her eyes

-My poor thing... -Pyper whispered- By the way, I texted her and she didn't answer. Were you two still asleep?

-Um... yes, Brigitte is asleep right now. She didn't check her phone.

-Oh... -the woman stood up and wandered around Ida- So you were speaking with her all the time, huh?

-Yes, neither of us grabbed the phone.

The brunette was getting a bit nervous, and her chemise seemed to be tighter.


-Well, she was just having breakfast

-And what did you have for breakfast?

*Ida's POV*

Sorry, but I can't help misunderstand that question...

-Uhm... some waffles, coffee, tea... by the way! Is there juice or something? Im really thirsty

-Of course - she handed it to ida and sat down infront of her- But tell me, you are hiding something don't you?

Ida almost spilled her juice.

-Hiding? What? No!

-Ok, I'll be clearer. Anne told me about your kiss...

Ida rolled her eyes.

-First, I didn't kiss her. Second, I don't like her that way, and third, I didn't push her away because she was already sad.

Pyper nodded and closed her eyes for a moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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