my mum set this up

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And we were all singing to Christmas songs.

After a while we arrived to the restaurant

We all went inside and a waiter came and showed us to our table

We all ordered then waited , we were talking  but whistle we were talking

But this man cept looking and winking  at me which creeped me out

After a bit our food came we ate it then german went to the bathroom and my mum went to talk to someone and I was left alone with that creep

I took a sip of my fanta when that man came and sat next to me.

- hia toots-he said then winked at me.

- umm hi I dont talk to strangers-I said then turned my head.

-oh dont be like that sexy chick-he said then turned my head to face him.

- hhh german hurry up! -I shouted .

- hey, hey chill  baby-he said then caressed my cheek I pushed his hand away

- german hurry up-I called once more then the man was about to kiss me when I heard german.
- what do you think you are doing - german said then the man quickly scotted away.

- ahh thanks -I said then pulled him down on the chair.

- no problem-he said then kissed my forehead I looked up at him

-just one thing must never ever ever leave me alone again understand-I said seriously and he just smiled.

- ok-he said then caressed my cheek

- you must promise me-I said

- I promise-he said then kissed my nose.

- good - I said then took another sip of my fanta.

?...............meanwhile with angelica..............

- ah angelica long time no see-angelica's friend Edward said

- Edmond how's the business going it looks good-she said whilst looking around.

- yeah its good but our singers just cancelled on us-he sighed

-did you say singers-angelica said then smiled.

- yes do you know someone who could sing for us tonight-he asked.

- yes iv got the perfect........."couple"-she said whilst grinning .

- oh great where are they-he asked happily.

- well see thoughs two over there-she said whilst pointing at german and angie.

- yes-he said whilst looking at them.

- well their name is germangie they may say they are just best friends but they are totally dating-she said whilst smiling huge.

- ah thanks angelica - he said then walked over to germangie.

?................., , angie...............l

I was talking to german when a man came up to us.

- hi im Edward and I heard that you two are good singers-he said whilst smiling.

- well I wouldn't say im good but him on the other hand is amazing-I said whilst pointing at german

- well follow me you are going to sing for us-he said then dragged me and german up on stage.

-ladies and gentlemen I would like to introduce the couple germangie - he said but as he said that one person came to mind mum

I looked over to my mother who was just grinning at us I then turned to german who was just smiling.

- angie what song do we sing-he whispered without taking his eyes away from the audience

-no idea-I said whilst also looking at the audience.

- thousand years-my mum suddenly shouts then went to the piano and started to play.

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