The Sleepover Pt. 1 (ShinKami)

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      Real Quick A/N before we get started. Shinso and Eri are adopted in this story. Their Dads are Mic and Aizawa for this. 

Shinso's P.O.V.

      I get up out of my bed and grumble. Denki wants to come over, but I have to ask Dad and Papa first. That means I have to leave the comfort of my dark room and soft bed to venture to the living room. I walk down the hallway to the living room. I smile seeing Eri and Papa playing in the floor. "Hitoshi wanna play dollies with us?" Eri asked me. "Sorry, Eri, I was actually looking for Dad, but maybe we could play something tomorrow ok?" The small girl nodded and went back to her fairy princess wedding. 

      I trudged to the kitchen. Dad and I would keep it darker in the house if Papa would let us. Sadly, I have to deal with this brightness. I walk into the kitchen to see Dad sitting at the dinner table. He's cocooned in his yellow sleeping bag as he sucks down coffee and grades papers. "Hey Dad?" "What?" He answers with a flat and tired tone. "Can Denki and I have a sleep over? He wanted to hang out tonight." "Go ask your Papa. If he's fine with it I am too." I groan and walk back to the living room.

      I stopped in the living seeing Papa and Eri still playing. "Papa is it ok if Denki stays the night tonight?" I ask a 2nd time. "As long as you two are quiet I don't mind, but my radio show is on tonight." "Ok, we will be." I say happily. I go to the kitchen and inform Dad. Then, I cal Denki and tell him operation sleep over is a go. I sit on the couch waiting for him to show up.

      About 20 minutes had passed when there was a loud string of knocks on the front door. I opened it to see Denki smiling brightly with a pikachu themed duffel bag over his shoulder. I smile softly. "Come in," I tell him as I move out of the doorway. As soon as Eri lays eyes on Denki she comes running over to give him a hug. Papa gets up following her. He greets Denki, and then Denki and I head to my room. Eri tries to follow us, but I promise her that all 3 of us could play in the morning if she let u hang out together this evening. 

      Eri wandered off to go play as I got Denki situated. He didn't need much help seeing as my house was his 2nd home, but none the less I provided emotional support. Once settled in, we played a couple of games on my PlayStation. I heard a quiet knock on my door. "Come in," I told the person at my door. It was Dad. He said, "If you and Denki want food there's stuff in the kitchen. Eri went to bed, and I'm about to head that way as well. Your Papa is about to start his radio show, but if there is an emergency you can get him. Otherwise just be quiet and behave." I nodded as he left.

527 Words

Come back in a couple days for part 2. I hope you all enjoyed. Peace out lovelies! 

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