Chapter 1

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(The Avengers are civil with each other now so relationships are all good).

The Avengers were side by side all while trying to tackle the ugly beast currently attacking them.
"Clint, try to distract it.. I have a plan!" Tony aggressively shouted, not seeming to care wether or not the alien heard.
"On it!"
Clint ran full-speed at the thing while dodging his strange bolts of magic. He shot one arrow at it causing it to pay it's full attention to him. The alien turned and formed a lilac bolt heading right at him. Clint dived to the other side of the road, almost sliding across the concrete.
Thor flew upwards, stopping right above the mutant's head, striking him with a thunder bolt.
This beast isn't very powerful..
Thor thought to himself while slightly grinning smugly.
Down below, Tony started to fire at the monsters large chest while Hulk (Bruce) landed a mighty punch on the alien's face causing it to cower. Steve threw his shield only once at the mutant's face and it was on the ground. Natasha took advantage of this and swiftly put the beast in a headlock. They had this thing right where they wanted it.
Thor couldn't help but laugh, this was probably one of the easiest battles they have had with an alien with magic.

They had all accepted their win too quickly as the lilac beam from the monster slowly started to enhance. Tony was the first who took notice of this.

It was too late..

Steve was the first to wake up. Head spinning and feeling quite nauseous. His eyes adjusted to the sight of the one and only, Nick Fury, looking pissed as ever.
"Hey Cap! Why don't you go see what the fuck happened to you and the rest of ya damn idiots!" Fury yelled.

Steve was confused but did feel weird. Almost as if he was the same small figure from years ago. He assessed his body from his perspective, worry starting to build up inside him. He turned right into a store window and laid his eyes on the reflection looking back at him. He was young, he was a teenager again.
He couldn't believe it, he thought he was hallucinating and hoped to God it was a nightmare.

He saw his hands, rapidly shaking as he slowly turned back towards Fury with his jaw dropped.
Steve barely payed attention as his mind was still taking in that he was the same boy who everyone underestimated and thought was weak.
"Now why don't ya go look at your other teammates, Cap?"
Steve took into account of what Fury just said and turned to his fellow Avengers, all still unconscious. He looked at every single one of them, the drastic change. Bruce was back to his normal self, thankfully. Steve couldn't even begin to imagine what a teenage Hulk would look like.
He saw Fury pacing around the place, still pissed, of course.
"No, Cap. I don't wanna hear it.. Just get in the ship."
Steve obeyed his order and made his way to the ship, still on the ground. So many thoughts were in his head, colliding to make newer, initially worse ones. It had felt like an eternity, him sitting there, thinking. What if he had to stay like this forever? No, couldn't be. If only they had been more careful and if someone had bothered to read up on this alien.
Just as Steve was getting more in depth with the hindsight of the situation, a young Tony walked in. Dazed.

"Hey, you okay?" Cap asked, concerned for his friend. That's just how he was, trying not to think about himself.
"Please, just give me a minute" Tony mumbled out, Steve obliged. He noticed the change in voice.
Silenced filled the ship. Steve wasn't intending to say anything, at least not until Tony calmed down.
"I just- I mean- this is so strange.. I hate to look back on my teenage years and here I am, a fucking teenager."
Language.. Nah, Steve wasn't going to bother, judging by the mood Tony was in.
"I don't think any of us want to go back to our teenage years." A new voice emerged.

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