Chapter 5: 2nd Reset - "Whether Shane likes it or not, we took an oath."

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The first thing he noticed before even opening his eyes, was that they were being watched again.

The morning sunlight was cascading through the curtains of Shane's window, casting upon the foot of the bed, warming Ryan's feet. The warm body laying next to him was a comfort that warred against the prickling sensation of eyes upon them, cutting through the domesticity of the moment. It was that eerie feeling that had roused him from his dreams.

It was unsettling.

Ryan let out a small sigh which suddenly transitioned into a yawn, before sitting up in the bed with a stretch. Today was the day.

Shane grumbled, rolling over before sitting up as well, his bleary eyes slowly opening to meet Ryan's.

"G' morning, big guy," Ryan said quietly, with a light smile. There was a nervousness to his expression, but he was doing his best to hide it.

The evening prior the two had agreed to share the bed, having stayed up later than either of them had intended. Shane left the door open and tossed a look to Ryan before entering. It was unspoken, but the intent was there: I want you close so I can make sure you're safe. We don't know what will happen tomorrow; this time.

Their night had gone on as if they were just two friends watching Netflix. The two hadn't spoken about it since Shane's big reveal; too much to take in and think about at that moment. Regardless of that fact, Ryan was pretty sure he understood the gravity of what it was that was about to happen the next day: The risks that were being taken by everyone going (knowingly or otherwise), and most of all, how Shane basically had no choice.

At the unspoken invitation, Ryan wordlessly followed his larger best friend into the bedroom to sleep. They both felt better for it.

In the current light of day, Shane glanced over at the clock. Ryan's eyes followed.

6:14 am.

"I'm gonna grab a shower first," Shane said, running a hand through his bed-mussed hair, "if you start the coffee, I'll be out in ten,"

He then proceeded to swing his feet to the side, rising and making his way towards the bathroom, no mention about the bed sharing or the fact that the pressing sense of being watched had returned. There was an odd determination in him, Ryan noticed.

He nodded as Shane got up, turning his head from him towards his 'defense supplies' bag that was left by the bedroom door that night. Within it sat a switchblade, some walkie talkies, a package of unopened goldfish and a ( decidedly empty now ) bottle of holy water.

His mind began to wander, as he reached absentmindedly for the golden cross that still hung from his neck from the night prior. He had put it on yesterday as they were having their... conversation. Memories of the previous day filled his head, flashing quickly. The sound of the bathroom door shutting was merely an echo over the mounting thoughts in his mind.

Shane's gaze rose from the ring on his finger to meet Ryan's, his tone deadly serious, "If I told you I'm from the future and that's how I know, you would believe me?"

His voice had been serious when he'd said it -- completely straight-faced -- but with the two of them having watched Back to the Future only just recently, along with their constant debate between which movie was more plausible between that and The Matrix, Ryan couldn't possibly have thought Shane actually was serious.

A Purple-blue glow surrounded the lanky man as his clothes shifted and changed.

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