stranger: sebastian x angel!reader [pt.1]

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SUMMARY: Sebastian and the reader meeting for the first time

SUMMARY: Sebastian and the reader meeting for the first time

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It was another night in England. the dark clouds covered the sky, the moon lit very dimly under them. the rain pattered hard against the city streets of london. One might say that it was a normal night. although many believed that, it wasn't true.

In fact, this night was specifically special as an angel was sent out of heaven -by the arc angel, Michael- to stop another angel from destroying all of London.

y/n flew above the buildings, her white wings spread on her back as she soured through the rainy sky. her destination was unknown to everyone, even herself. She had no idea where she was going to stay for the time being.

her eyes were scanning the ground, looking for a place to stay. while looking for awhile, something caught her attention. a black feather was slowly drifting up from a dark alleyway. hmm that's strange..

y/n made her way down towards the alley, softly landing on her feat. she sniffed the air and immediately her nose scrunched up in disgust. the smell of blood along with a foreign scent filled her nose. she was on guard after that, her e/c eyes now glowing a bright purple. her eyes now allowed her to see down the dark alley. she gasped as she saw a demonic looking creature.

It was a person crouched over something, with giant black wings. It stood up and turned towards y/n, revealing a tall lanky man. he grinned showing his sharp teeth and his black stained nails where sharp as well. he also wore black heels which you assumed to be the reason why he looked like he was 7ft.

you balled you hands into fists and growled after realizing what it was. a demon.

"my my.. what is an angel doing in the human realm?" the man spoke with an accent. you didn't want to come off rude, knowing that if you did the demon could easily rid of you.. but you couldn't help yourself. after all, you had the sassiest mouth in heaven.. 🤣

"nothing that concerns you, demon" you hiss and show your fangs, not daring to show any fear.

"hm.. could it be you're here for that other angel?" it asked and took a step towards you. your brow twitched and you growled. how could he have possibly known?

you didn't answer as you were deep in thought. what if he could help?.. no. Michael wouldn't approve..

"i'll take your silence as a yes" he chuckled and then backed away. "please, allow me to change into something more.. appropriate" he said before black smoke clouded around him, then disappearing after a few seconds, to reveal a handsome man dressed in a butlers attire with medium length spiky hair that laid down and crimson eyes.

"i don't believe i introduced myself" he gets on one knee and places a hand behind his back and one in front of him. "i am sebastian michealis, head butler of the phantomhive manor" your eyes widen as you recall the name 'Phantomhive'. when an old angel, angela, was still in heaven, that name was something she'd always bring up. you actually haven't heard that name in years until now.

"Phantomhive?" you whisper. Sebastian then stood and tilted his head in confusion.

"do you know of my young master?" he asks, shock evident in his voice. yes..

"indeed, i do. can i possibly speak to him? it is a very important matter" you ask. at least he should know about the fallen angel roaming around freely. especially if it was after him..

"i suppose so.. only because i can't resist such a beautiful young lady" he smirks and grabs your hand before kissing it softly. you quickly pull it away and look at him with disgust, his attempt at flirting obviously failing.

he looked hurt by the action but quickly covered it up with another smirk. "hmm, i've always wanted to try intimate things with an angel.." at that comment, you let your bloodlust loose and glare daggers into his non-existing soul. "i suppose that will have wait awhile longer though.." he smiles nervously and scratched the back of his neck.

he jumps up onto the building to your right and you follow suit. "shall we be on our way?" he asks and you nod once. he smiles and the leaps to another building.

"hey!" you call out and turns around to look at you. "i prefer the sky" you say and point back at your wings. he smirks and nods his head before allowing his wings to show as well. they were much larger then yours but you didn't say anything.

he jumped off the building and you did the same, flying over a few building as you make your way to the Phantomhive manor.


Hi! author~chan here.. just wanted to let you guys know that this imagine is going to have multiple parts.. so be prepared ,, also this is unedited

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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