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Kopano Okeke is my name. 
I awoke in a vision that kept me the same. 
In it, the Loric gave me a gift. 
Of which I could not feel the shift. 

Back in reality, of what I was supposed to be, 
There wasn't anything I could see. 
I was teased and made fun of. 
Because my legacies have yet to appear. 

When they finally showed, 
My face was aglow. 

I met a girl named Taylor. 
And I promised to protect her.
To give her as boring a life I could.
To make her feel normal; under the hood. 

But then she was taken. 
The Foundation awakened. 

We'll get her back and she'll be safe. 
Relax Kopano, you must have faith. 

A Collection of Poems: Lorien Legacies EditionWhere stories live. Discover now