4) lost and found

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"hey little bean time to get up." Angel whispers I open my eyes to an empty bed, I look around and then to angel. He laughs and walks into the closet.

"Here bean where this" he says handing me Damion's sweater and an old ripped t-shirt.

"Can I fix this" I ask he nods I jump up and grab scissors.

"Here you can fix those there too small." He says handing me jeans. I get the scissors and cut the sweater to just below my ribs, the jeans are very long but they fit I cut the bottoms to my size and wear as high waisted I cut slits on the thigh and shin, I smile and walk out.

"Do you have a comb." I ask I may be shaved over both ears and above my neck, but I have short hair on my head and long bangs in my face. The long hair was hard to keep when you lived on an island, and it's easier to dance and move around like this. I didn't care what anyone thought they hated me anyways. When I started dancing for the mainland they left me be I could finally stop being scared. I love my body, my personality and I'm not letting anyone change me ever again.

*Ballerina your zoning out* I hear in my head I jump and see Damion in front of me with a comb.

"Oh sorry. I thought you were in my head." I said he smiles and kisses my nose.

"I was"  he says combing my hair.

"Oh" is all I can say. Not how or when, how long dose it ever stop.

"Lunar" Damion growls grabbing my ass he kisses the angel mark.

"Yes sir" I moan he growls.

"Come with me and all your questions will be answered." He says I look at him. I haven't even known these guys for a month and they control me. There dad killed my entire race and this town wants me dead. I think grabbing my bag and a sleeping dex I turn towards damion he holds his hand out.

"Will you trust me" he asks I should be thinking of how I can survive and get out but........I'm not scared.

"Yes sir" I say I feel safe and protected. I take his hand and the room spins I start getting sick I pull on his sleeve he looks at me and the spinning stops well physically my head's still spinning.

"Damn it inferno." I hear and start falling.

"I didn't know." Damion says I'm caught but I can't see by who.

"Ballerina I'm sorry." He says I'm picked up and the room starts coming into focus. I can see an office with two big desk at and angle from each other two couches by the wall in front and a door behind the desks.

"Dami I'm ok." I say he smiles and puts me down. I wraps my arms around his and we walk threw the door, he pits me down and once we walk in all eyes are on me. Eyes I hoped I wouldn't see the mayor and next to him is a man that looks like he fought in the war with a scar across his eye and down his lip he has a cane and a soldier stand.

"Father" the twins say wait shit this is where I die I grip the straps to my back pack and it ties shut.

"That's her." The mayor says angel puts his arm around my shoulder and steps a little behind, Devon steps in front I grab his arm and there dad growls.

"This is impossible, all humans are dead I made sure of it. How did you survive." He says stalking towards me I grip the straps tighter and he hits a forcefield.

"I know this magic, your geens granddaughter. Same eyes and magic you have your father's wit and your mother beauty." He says reatching for my bangs in front of my eye. I flinch he smiles and breaks the field, he moves my hair looking at my eyes and I pass out.

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