5) anything but.

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" come on ballerina it's just practice."

"But Dami, I don't know the dance I was stuck on the side." I say pouting angel wraps his arms around me.

"So we teach you, you'll learn." Angel says

* I learn by failing I'm scared to fail no one likes humans and I cant magically get it right like witches. Maybe it's a bad idea that I dance here.* My thoughts are inturupted by deep growling. Damnit I forgot there in my head. I wrap my hands around my throat and we walk in to an empty dance studio.

"Stop that." Damion says with out looking at me angel comes up behind me and pins my arms by my sides.

"My little ballerina, we know about how you were treated so we thought we would just teach you as far as the partner dancing gose." They say putting music on they leave to change I listen to the music and start dancing, I start going with the partner rythym till it ends and I hear clapping.

"Well now I can see why you won so much your pretty good at solo."

"I never actually danced I choreograp and practiced with them but never preformed." I say Damion growls, angel spins me into him.

"Well now you'll get to dance." He says kissing my nose. I blush and he restarts the music.

"Wow do that again."  I say Chad throws cat in the air she flips and she lands his back.

"Cool, can you guys do that every time." I ask they nod.

"What are you guys." I asks looking at Damion he smiles, I relax and turn back.

"I'm a black cat" cat says

"Cheetah" Chad says

"Pleasure Fairy" Katie says, explains the high maintenance.

"Demon" Danny growls now I can see why they work.

"Bear" Ben says looking at Tony talking to b.

"Grey Wolf." B says grabbing gingers hand she blushes.

"Red panda" she says smiling.

"Vampire" Tony says Damion growls.

"Dami" I say he looks at me and stops growling well out loud.

"Do you think you can throw her from the hips, and cat when he throws you try turning so you land facing away from him he'll catch you with his for arms open your arms in a t and then as you get to the floor bend and hell throw you a little bit you spin and put your legs under him." I say and explain more they nod and we start with the easy ones.

"Ok so now cats move, cat want to be the first to try the dance one." I say she nods, he throws her she spins but gose behind him I tackle her to the foam pit as my arm hit the practice pole and I hear a snap and land in the pit.

"Cat are you ok." Chad says helping her out.

"Ya but I think eclipse broke her arm." She says Chad helps me out and my shoulder is popped out and a giant bruise is forming on my arm.

"Hssss, oww oh well" I say slamming my shoulder in the pole popping it back in place. I take my tank top off and wrap my arm.

"Damn girl, nice body." Cat says and I look around to see no twins.

"Theyll be back, they went for food." Katie says I nod and we continue.

"Damn girl you can take a hit. What are you" Chad says helping me sit down.

"I'll tell you after addition." I say additions are in two weeks, then we have a month till compitition and the winner gets to be featured in the magazines. I never cared about any of it I just liked dancing, but me being human I always ended up beaten, but so worth it.

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