Chapter 1: Discovery

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A/N: Marvel owns all characters! I own no characters and I do not own the ending to Far From Home! Thank you, and please enjoy!

It was the perfect ending, Peter had saved the world from Mysterio, he had gotten the girl, and he was on top of the world (or New York City rather). Of course Parker luck couldn't allow him to have a brief reprieve from crazy stuff that had been going on the last few months (or rather years, he still could barely wrap his head around the fact that he had been gone for years trapped in the Soul Stone). 

Peter sat on top of the light post, having just shown MJ what it was like to swing around NYC's skyline (he got the feeling she didn't enjoy it that much), when the Daily Bugle had to start broadcasting. Of course, it was always the Daily Bugle, you could save the world and somehow they could put a negative spin on it. Honestly Peter wondered how they were still in business, but then again, so was the news. Why did people enjoy listening and watching the worst parts of the world?

In fact it hadn't even started off too bad, with footage playing from the final fight scene between Peter and Mysterio. Maybe the Daily Bugle had changed it's tune, maybe, just maybe, they were actually reporting on the good that Peter had done. 

Nope. They did not do that.

Instead the clip was an edited version of what had happened, with Mysterio filming and making it seem as if Spider-Man was attacking and killing him with an army of weaponized drones that Mysterio himself had been using, right before revealing that Spider-Man was Peter Parker.

"What the f**k!" 

Later that day....

Peter and Aunt May had moved into the compound later that night with help from Happy. Peter wasn't sure how Happy had done it without the entire world knowing, but this was also the man who was worked with Tony Stark for years, meaning that he could do the impossible (except clearly not protect a plane full of Stark technology a few years prior).

They had hastily packed the essentials from their apartment and quickly booked it, as protesters were gathered outside, throwing food, chanting, and who knows what else. The world was in disbelief, half believed Mysterio and the other half felt that something was wrong; how could their friendly neighborhood, universe-saving hero try to destroy the world he fought so hard to protect?

Either way, the one issue that world wasn't divided on was that Peter Parker, without a doubt, was Spider-Man, and Peter had no idea what to do.

If only Mr. Stark was still here, he would have known what to do. Heck, Mr. Stark told the entire world that he was Iron-Man, and now Peter would never have the chance to reveal his own identity, that, along with so many other things was snatched away from him.

Peter sat on a bed in the compound, apparently it was his room. Mr. Stark hadn't been kidding when he offered Peter a chance to join the Avengers, and Peter had turned it down, thinking it had all been a test. Well, he guessed he was an Avenger now, Mr. Stark had in fact knighted (Avengered?) him on the flying donut. 

"God, if only there was a way to talk to Mr. Stark" Peter wondered aloud, fingering the EDITH glasses.

He put the glasses on, they were the only thing he had left from Mr. Stark, and started to really look at what they could do. He hadn't had much time to play around with them in between almost blowing up his bus (yikes!) and giving them to Quentin Beck aka Mysterio (bad idea) and then saving the world.

"EDITH" he said, activating the glasses, "Is there like an orientation program or introduction video on here, like there was with Karen?"

"There is Peter." EDITH replied. "However, might I suggest listening to the ID protocol first?"

"The ID protocol?" Peter asked.

"The ID protocol stands for I Died Protocol, in which the identity of the owner of these glasses would be passed on to a worthy successor."

"Mr. Stark left me a message?! And you didn't tell me?!"

"In my defense, you were slightly preoccupied at the time, you know, saving the world and all."

"EDITH, was Karen's sarcasm uploaded to you too?"


Peter rolled his eyes, "Just play the message already, I can't believe that Mr. Stark left me a message, I thought I would never hear from him again!" 

"It's a protocol Peter, not a message."

Actually, on second thought, if this was the last time he would ever he from Mr. Stark, did he really want to waste it now? 

EDITH made his decision for him.

"Playing the protocol."

Mr. Stark's face filled the screen as Peter fought back tears. He couldn't believe he was seeing his mentor again, after all that time he had thought that Mr. Stark was truly gone.

"Ah, hello Mr. Parker, so we meet again."

A/N: Thank you for reading!

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