Chapter 4

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So the past two weeks have been nice... I guess.

Ever since the party me and Michael gotten closer and he became my boy best friend. But me being me, I ended up catching feelings for him but he doesn't need to know that.

Now I know what I would be getting myself into if I was to get involved with his lovelife. That exactly why I don't want him to know.

Right now we're at McDonald's and he went to the restroom leaving me at our table by myself. I decided to get on my phone because I was bored and I heard some people walk in.

I curiously turned around to see who it was and I turned back around once I saw who it was. It was Summer, Ariana, and Madison. Me and Ariana are friends but I don't wanna deal with Summer and Madison.

'Why?' you may ask. Well because ever since I've been hanging out with Michael more she's been trying to pick fights with me and shit like that. Now, I don't know why but I feel like she thinks we're dating or something but that is not it. Me and Michael are just good friends and thats it. Yeah, I have a crush on him but he probably doesn't like me the same way.

Now, Madison I don't know what she has against me because I have never talked to her before. I think she's just being a follower but... that's a topic for another day.

I just kept my eyes on my phone hoping they would leave. But nooooo they just had to get a table near me and Michael.

When Michael came back from the restroom I was hiding my face so the girls wouldn't see me. "What'chu doin'?" he asked looking at me like I was crazy. I pointed over to Summer's table and he followed to where I was pointing. He smacked his teeth "Dont worry 'bout them. She not gon do nothin."

I sighed and stopped hiding. Then I saw Madison pointing over to us which made Summer turn around and glare at us. I guess Michael caught her glare because he looked at her and asked "Do you need somethin'?"

She didn't say anything and just rolled her eyes and turned back around.

"I'm honestly getting tired of her." I said and he nodded agreeing with me, "Me too." he rolled his eyes.

Soon we finished our food and headed out thankfully because I know Summer and Madison was probably talking shit about me.

Michael took me home and as soon as i got upstairs and got in bed I went straight to sleep.


I dropped Kehlani off at home and I was drivin' in my car heading to my apartment that I share with Marlon.

I was listenin to music real loud when I got a call from Jason.

"Yo wassup." I answered.

"Wassup, I need you an' Marlon to do somethin' for me."

"Ok what is it ?"

"I need yall to get this money from somebody for me. He owes it to me 'cause I sold him some weed a few weeks ago and he hasn't given me my money despite him sayin' he'll give it to me. He's been sayin' that shit for weeks an' still neva' payed me back. You know how I am 'bout my money. Make sure you there at around nine o'clock, I'll send you the address." He ranted.

"Ok but why ain't you doin' 'dis yo'self?"

" 'Cause I got some otha' business to handle."


" 'Preciate you."

"Yeah, you welcome, bye." I hung up. It's been a minute since I've did some gang shit. So honestly, I'm kinda ready.

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