Epilogue 1

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Lisa’s POV

I was nervously fidgeting in the makeup chair as my hair was getting the last touch-ups. It had been a while since I had done this. Several people all around me and only caring about my outfit, makeup and hair felt strange. But it was part of the business that I had left for some time now.

Tonight would be my first public appearance since I had gotten sick last year. I was in way better shape but had made it a point to live a different lifestyle. After Italy, Chaeyoung and I had moved back to Seoul like we had planned and were house hunting still. My wife was pretty picky when choosing our new home that was supposed to be more family-friendly. Her liking for interior design had taken off and I had left most of it up to her. I was happy living in her apartment in the meantime.

However, tonight was the first time we were back in New York in my old apartment we had kept. Although it was just a small event, I was nervous as hell. It was another ‘first’ because I was being honored for my charity works not my music. Perhaps that added more pressure to my plate. The most stressful thing about it was definitely coming back into the public eye.

“Are you ok?”

I lifted my gaze and locked eyes with the familiar brown orbs scrutinizing me. Chaeyoung was leaning against the makeup counter and I couldn’t help but give her the once-over. The tight-fitting, sleeveless white dress hugged every curve perfectly and made her very long, blonde hair stand out even more. She looked divine and so incredibly elegant. I loved it when she got dressed up and accentuated her already prominent feminine side. Her impeccable facial features were emphasized by the makeup she wore; the brown eyes catching me off-guard almost with how beautiful they were.

“I’m nervous”, I admitted with a deep breath. “But at least I have some eye-candy on my arm to distract everyone”, I added with a smile and saw her reciprocating.

“You look perfect”, the husky voice said filled with sincerity but I felt far from that superlative.

“I’m still skinny”, I mumbled quietly, the long-term effects of my treatment still affecting me a little in my physical appearance.

“Maybe you’re a few pounds lighter than before but you’re almost back to normal. And you look healthy, I promise”, the woman opposite of me encouraged.

It was such a minor event compared to other award shows I had been to. My nerves were killing me though. Usually, I had been the calm one and Chaeyoung was the one freaking out. Our roles had completely reversed in time; the fact that she wasn’t in the spotlight that much had something to do with her being relaxed probably. Actually, Chaeyoung had never been that shy to talk to other celebrities, even in the past. Weirdly, I had been extremely reluctant to speak to other artists. I had always felt impolite or annoying whereas the older one had had no shame.

Taking another look at her, I realized how she looked so heavenly in that white dress and I wore black as usual. There were some smaller white details on the dress so we matched though.

“You wearing white is quite ironic”, I chuckled slightly and saw her eyebrows lifting. “If anyone shouldn’t wear the color of innocence it would be you, my love. You’re not fooling me.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about”, my former bandmate responded with she slyest smirk.

“Of course not”, I laughed mildly and didn’t notice that she was taking off some anxiety by simply bantering with me.

“I’m as innocent as they come”, she replied and motioned a halo with her hand above her head. This time I laughed slightly louder and enjoyed her joining in. Her eyes were roaming through the apartment now and I followed them before speaking up.

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