Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty:

Yukio's POV:

Gehenna Gate remained above us, demons flying down. I cocked my guns, shooting at the heads. I heard Rin grunt, holding his stomach.

"Rin!" I yelled. He trembled.

"I'm good! Just a little scratch is all." He attempted to reassure me. The two eyes on the gate glowed red, shooting down beams of light. We were blasted backward. A large crash was heard, and more of the heads began to produce in a different section of the roof.

"What's that?" Rin gasped.

"It's a dimensional tear!" Shura explained as she held Emi's unconscious body.

"My guess is he's expanding the gate 'till it's big enough to swallow Assiah!" Nyx yelled. I looked down at Emi for a moment, my memory still hazy, and had no idea why she was unconscious. I was just hoping she would wake up soon. I remembered what Satan said about wanting to join Assiah and Gehenna to create a new world.

I can't let that happen. We have to stop him!

One of the flying heads blew fire from its mouth. Rin and I jumped out of the way as the fireball came crashing into the roof. The ground shook as I glanced up to see Emi awaken. She looked around in confusion before gasping.

"Yukio! Rin!" Before she could say anything else, a giant fireball came firing at the girls.

"Watch out! Emi!" I yelled.

"Nyx!" Rin shouted. Right as the fireball was about to burn the three exorcists, it was sliced in half. I looked to see Arthur standing with his sword.

"So you villains would crush innocent flowers such as these?" Arthur pointed his sword at the gate. "I, Arthur Auguste Angel, shall deliver justice."

"It took you long enough, Baldy!" Shura yelled, waving her fist.

"Innocent flower, now?" Nyx muttered.

"I can handle this one. Just sit back, and watch the fireworks!" Arthur started running towards the gate, sword in hand.

"Hey! Don't tell me what to do!" Rin protested, following after him as he unsheathed his sword.

"Zodiac Slash!" Arthur yelled as he turned into a bright yellow light, going through demon after demon. Rin leaped into the air, flames sprouting over his body as he swung Kurikara. A blast of blue fire launched at the gate. Arthur and Rin landed onto the ground.

"Damn it," Rin muttered.

"Separate hits won't work!" I yelled. "We have to time our attacks."

"Yukio's right about that." I looked to see Emi, Shura, and Nyx standing to their feet. Nyx held out her guns, while Shura had her sword. Kami glowed a pale blue as she stood next to Emi.

"We gotta work as a team or we'll never break through that protective wall of steel." Emi chimed in, her voice sounding a bit hoarse for some reason. I noticed she didn't have her sword. Rin smirked at the girls.

"Sure you're up for it?" He asked.

"Worry about yourself, kid. I'm not as thrash as you think I am," Shura snarked.

"I never thought I'd join forces with the sons of Satan," Arthur stated. "How revolting." Shura bit her thumb as she slid it against her sword.

"Kirigakure Demon Sword Technique: Snake Belly!" A few demons came charging towards us. "Snake Fang!" Shura began slashing.

"Zodiac Slash!" Arthur yelled, attacking the demons. Nyx and I began shooting at the flying heads. Emi was launched into the air by Kami as she chanted some verses, causing demons to explode around her. I noticed Rin step onto Angel's back, propelling himself forward. He screamed as he fired a giant blast of blue flames at the gate.

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