Chapter One

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His legs had finally gone numb from exertion- that or the cold. Either way, Wei Wuxian was more than happy to feel completely nothing in his overused limbs. That made running away in terror soooo much easier.

Running away in terror was starting to become the norm. Going to the store with friends, playing at the arcade with the kids, annoying the hell out of his brother at every chance, breaking so many university rules he'd set a school record... those used to be the norm. It was crazy how much an apocalypse changed things.

Wei Wuxian's hand holding the bag of supplies he'd snagged from the store tighter, worried his frozen fingers wouldn't even feel it if the bag slipped from his grasp- and he needed the bag. His sister needed the bag. His brother needed the bag. A-Yuan Needed the bag. Everyone he cared for needed the bag.

If only the apocalypse had waited till summer.

He mused lightly in his head, the sheer contrast to the dull thoughts and rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins not even registering in his head as he sprinted through the woods. That's how everything was now... a cruel mix of dull humor and utter terror.

It's not that he was used to the fear of reaching half-dead hands scratching his skin, or the dread of contagious jaws meeting his flesh, or even the horrifying realization that everyone he's ever loved and cared for was due to die. That he was due to die.

No, all of that emotion could never be eased with time. Not a single soul could get used to the damn apocalypse! And if they did... Wei Wuxian would assume they're already infected.

His legs numbly leaped over a fallen log, feet catching on thorns and sticks that threatened to drag him down with each valiant leap. But he never fell. He knew.. Everyone knew... That one fall and you're done. One fall and the teeth and nails would dig into your skin. If you're lucky you'd be killed... but if you're just like the rest of the undead terrors, you'll turn into a hideous creature ravished for human flesh.

Wei Wuxian hoped that when he died, he died for real. He hoped that for all his friends and family as well, that emotion scarily almost as powerful as the desire to save them.

Well, that's the apocalypse for ya.

He was almost there... Almost there. Wei Wuxian's feet nimbly ran over the forest floor with the grace of a deer, powerful long legs shooting him forward through the cold. He was the fastest runner of them all, and although Sijie was adamant about him splitting the responsibility with A-Cheng, the hard truth was undeniable. Jiang Cheng was strong, brutish, and coordinated... but he was also loud, clumsy, and prone to outbursts. In comparison, Wei Wuxian was a lithe fox, built for sneaking in and out of places unnoticed.

Plus, he'd had A LOT of practice.

If only Lan Quieren could see me now...

Wei Wuxian's mind wandered as he traversed the sea of snowy underbrush. The strict man had always hated Wei Wuxian and his antics. He really couldn't blame the man. After all... Wei Wuxian did shave off his goatee.

I was doing him a favor! That goatee really wasn't his style. The poor man was just in denial.

Wei Wuxian's boot sunk a foot into a snowy ditch, panic surging up like a volcano and silencing his mind. The apocalypse didn't allow for any distractions. That one mistake brought the hissing monsters to his heels, the hands of his nightmares reaching out in the corner of his vision.

Not today... Sijie needs me. They need me.

He didn't make a sound when the hands grabbed at his shirt, didn't make a single peep when they tore the fabric off with a clean shiiirk that reminded him of cars screeching in the roads as mobs of deformed creatures barreled through the city in a tidal wave. The first day was the worst, but not because it got better, only because everyone grew in number.

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