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             Hero POV
I hate that my work has to be interrupting us while I'm spending time with my beautiful girls. "Hero ?" A female says next to me. I look up from my phone to see a women. I look back down at my phone going back to checking on my work. "You don't recognize me ?" She says putting her hand on my arm running it up and down. I grab her hand pushing it off my arm. No one can touch my like but Josephine. I move away from her keeping my distance. "Hey babe" I hear my beautiful women's voice next to me. She wraps her arm around mines.

"Hi mamas" I wrap my arm around her waist planting a small kiss on her lips. "Dadda" My princess says lifting her hands up, opening and closing her small hands into fists. I pick her up placing her on my waist. "Who's this ?" Jo says pointing to the girl next to me. "I don't know" I tell her looking straight at the women. I lean in by Celeste cheek about to kiss her cheek but she quickly turns her head. My jaw drops she always lets me kiss her cheek. "Who are you ?" Jo questions the women, who by the way I have no idea who she is.

"A freind of Hero" she smiles taking her hand out. Jo looks at her hand glaring at her. "Hero never had friend's that were girls" She scoffs.

"Hero has me. Don't ever talk to him. And don't ever touch him again" and with that Jo removes my hand that's wrapped around her waist. She walks away going towards our car. Before the women can say anything I walk away trying to catch up to Jo. "Jo wait"

"Josephine" I grip her wrist stopping her from walking further. "Don't touch me" she snaps at me going inside the car. I look at Celeste who's frowning. "Dadda I'm cold" her eyes water. Shit, I just noticed she's wet. I get a towel wrapping it around her body. I kiss her forehead sitting her down on her car seat.

"Jo" I sit down staring at her. "Get out the car" I tell her getting out the car walking to her side of the door. I don't want Celeste hearing us argue. Her being so stubborn stays inside the car with her arms crossed. I open her door dragging her out of her seat. "Why are you acting this way ?" I pin her against the car so she won't escape. "Why did you let her touch you if that was a guy touching me you would've gotten mad"

"Mamas I pushed-" I try to explain but she cuts me off. "Don't call me mamas" she snaps at me. Ouch. "Mamas why are-"

"I said don't call me that" she roughly pushes my hands off her going back inside the car. I sigh going back inside the car driving back to the hotel. Jo takes Celeste out the car quickly walking inside the hotel not waiting for me. I walk inside our room walking towards Jo.

"Jo lets go talk in the kitchen" I whisper to not wake up princess. She ignores me as she continues to stare at the floor. I gently grab her wrist taking her to the kitchen. "Talk to me, what's bothering you, love"

"Don't be calling me sweet names right now." She snaps at me trying to remove my hand off her wrist. "Answer me" I frown.

"I'm just annoyed and angry with you. I don't want to see you"

"Why ?" I whisper feeling hurt. "I'm tired Hero I'm going to sleep we'll talk tomorrow" I let go of her wrist letting her walk away. "I...umm... Hero can you sleep in the couch" she says staring at the ground. "Sure" I whisper walking to the couch that's next to the bed. I watch as she lays down on the bed throwing the blanket over her body. If she's need space just for nice I'll give her space.


Five hours later, it's two a.m I'm struggling to go to sleep. I sit outside on the balcony smoking a cigarette going through my phone. My job needs me, me being the boss isn't easy. We'll probably have to go back home tomorrow. I sigh running my hand down my face. Work is stressing me out, it's making me spend less time with my girls. Jo doesn't even want to look at me right now.

I walk back inside the room taking out the computer from our bags. I'll do work from here so we can stay longer. I sit on the table that's in the kitchen, I begin to do my work. After half an hour goes buy I get up and do myself some coffee. "Dadda ?" I hear my little girls voice. I turn around smiling at her. "Hi princess, why are you awake ?" I bend down getting to her level. "Cuddles ?" She whispers wrapping her smalls arms around my neck. I smile wrapping my arms around her. I sit down on the chair, she rests her head on my chest as I do my work, once she falls asleep I take her back to bed. "Goodnight" I whisper covering her up with the blanket kissing her cheek. I walk to Jo's side kissing her cheek "Goodnight, love" I go back to work.

Josephine POV
I wake up to the sun hitting me right in face. I sigh sitting up. I smile looking at Celeste who's still sleeping. She sleeps pretty crazy, with her legs wide open taking up the whole bed, and her arms all over the place and lets not even talk about her hair. I chuckle getting up from bed. I stop walking when I see Hero laying down on the couch with his computer mid open.

Moments like these make me feel guilty. He spend the whole night working his ass of for his job, he thinks I don't know but I do. Every now and then he spends the whole night working so he can spend time with us. The big bags under his eyes. He sleeps like a baby. His hands clutches the blanket close to him.

I hate myself for being mean to him last night. Hero is never mean or rude to mean even if I do something bad. I sigh sitting down next to him. He's such a sweet guy. I've come to notice that he's very sensitive when I'm mean to him. He won't say anything once he notices I'm angry at him he'll just give me space.

Hero begins to blink, he quickly sits up when he sees me. "Are you okay ?" He quickly asks, he's asking if I'm okay ? I was just being mean to him yesterday and he's asking if I'm okay. "I'm fine, are you okay ?" I whisper.

"My girl is angry at me so no I'm not okay" he whispers laying back down staring at me with sad eyes. He clears his throat "Do you want to talk to me now ?" I nod tugging a piece of hair behind my ear. "Why were you angry at me ?"

"The girl who was she" I get to the point.

"I'm being honest Jo i don't know who she was. Maybe she was an old girl I hooked up with" he mumbles the last words. "Why would you let her touch you I frown, "i was so focused on checking my e-mails of my job I wasn't even paying attention to her that's until I felt her touch me. Jo I promise I pushed her hand away quickly. I kept my distance from her Jo, I promise" he sits up grabbing my hands.

"You wouldn't like it if it was the other way around. If it was a guy touching me or talking to me"

"I know I wouldn't. Jo you have to understand that each time your angry you can't just push me away like you did yesterday it'll just cause more problems between us two" he leaves small kisses on each knuckle.

"Still doesn't change the fact that if it was me you would be angry"

"I wouldn't be angry at you I would just be angry at the guy for touching my girl. Jo am I not making you feel loved enough when you're with me ?" The hurt in his eyes brakes my heart. "Where did you get this from ?"

"There's been over two times you thought I was cheating on you. It makes me feel and think that I'm not loving you enough"

I'm completely cut off guard. "Hero I know you love me. Please don't think of that because it's not about that." He stays silent just staring at me.

"I just don't like it when you're around girls that like to flirt if that was me-"

"I always stay away from them Jo. If I wasn't too focus on my phone I would've noticed a women walking towards me, love" I believe every word he's saying.

"Can I hug you ?" he whispers, I nod, he pulls me to his lap throwing his arms around my waist kissing all over my face whispering multiple apologizes. "How did you sleep on the couch ?" I tease him.

"Bad, I didn't get to cuddle with my girls and I think princess was mad at me yesterday" he pouts snuggling on the crook of my neck like a baby.

Author note
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