Chapter three

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(Ariana POV)

When I woke up, I realize I only slept about four hours and found that Nat was still sleeping. I then looked over to Casmir to see if he was asleep just to see he still asleep, but my dad was awake talking to Gamma Jeremy. As I waited for Nat to wake up, I just sat there thinking about how much of my life is changing at this moment. I'll be going to a new school a private school that I know will be so much different not including the kids will also be werewolf's and witches. Im hoping it'll be better than being around humans who thinks Im a freak because the way I look. Wearing a school uniform might be odd at first but I should get use to it in time. I waited for a while until Nat decide he was going to wake up, but he still looked tired.

"Hey Ariana, how long have you been awake?"

"Only for a while."

"You look like your deep into thought. Would you like to talk to me about it?"

Well since were going to stuck in this van for a few more hours I might as well find out more about living in a pack. So, the Alpha is the highest ranking in the pack?

"Well yes he's the highest rank in a pack like mine but there is something that is a higher rank than your uncle."

"What would that be?"

"That would be the Alpha King. There are three of them in America. America is spilt into three territories. There is the west side, central and then there is us as the east side territory."

"Wow, three kings but why so many?"

"Well America is a pretty big country. Usually in country has only one well expect Africa. I think there is at least seven but I'm not sure."

"Who's the royal family here?"

"Well, its King Alexander Heinrich, Queen Aurora, Prince Marcus, Princess Alexandria, Princess Kiara, Princess Dannica, Prince Daniel and Damir that are identical twins are the royal family for our packs."

The rest of the drive there I was deep in thought trying to figure out just how much my life is going to change. I really miss my mom right now. I was always so close to her cause she was the only one that understand me. Don't get me wrong I love my dad, but he's always been closer to Casmir than with me.

"Hey sweetie, were here. Why don't you grab your bag and take it to your new room? Than get wash up and change so we can join your uncle for lunch."

"Hey Nat, why don't you show Ariana to her new room?"

"Sure dad. Hey Casmir, I can also show you to your room as well since it's right across from your sister."

"No thank you. I'll find my room on my own if you don't mind."

My brother than walked away with my dad and the Gamma Jeremy. I'm not sure what's wrong with my brother right now and I don't think he's willing to talk to me about it. I went with Nat to go see my room that I'll be staying in for a few weeks before going to a new school. When I walk into my new room the first thing that I see was there were so many window to let the light into my room. I loved the colors that were picked out of many shades of a cream to a light brown. The bed was a queen sizes with two nightstands on each side of it. With a love seat and chair on the far side of the room.

"So, I'm guessing from the look on your face that you really like this room that was put together just for you."

"Yes. How can I not. Wait, what do you mean it was put together just for me and by who?"

He looked very nerves that either he slipped that info out or that I asked about it.

"Well, I wasn't really supposed to tell you about that, but it was Akasma the next Alpha of this pack."

"You mean my cousin? Why would he even do that for me?"

"I'm not really sure. Well, you're going to need to freshen up and come have lunch with the family and higher up pack members."

Like that he was out of my room before I could say or ask anything else from him. It didn't take to long for me to take a quick shower and get dress. I grabbed my long black sleeve shirt that does expose my shoulders, and black leather pants with zipper pockets. I always loved this outfit. I also grabbed my black boots and yes, I know wearing all black just shows off more of the idea how pale my skin is. As soon as I was ready to head down to the dinning room area that Nat made sure to give me direction to the room on my own. It didn't take that long even though I did get lost here and there but its not my fault for this place is as big as a small mall. I get into the room and it looks as if everyone else is already showed up with the food already on the table. The dinning room was large with a large wood table in the middle of the room. The chairs are made from black iron. The table can seat up to sixteen people. My father and brother is already here besides eight other people I have never met, but one of the men looks so like my dad. I wonder if he might be my uncle and the Alpha to this pack.

"Oh Ariana, I'm so glad that your were able to join us. I'm your uncle Cadmar and I'm happy to finally be able to meet you. No thanks to my brother."

My dad just glared at him without saying a word.

"I'd like you meet my mate and the packs Luna Kalyna. My oldest son Akasma and future Alpha of this pack. The twins Consalvo and Rosalia. You met Gamma Jeremy and his son Nathaniel, but I like you to meet his mate Namid. I'm hoping you and your brother will enjoy living here with us and with that please enjoy your meal."

We were having salmon, rice, with assorted veggies and a salad on the side. It seems all the adults and my oldest cousin were drinking a red wine. Everyone younger had a sparkling grape juice. I look around the table looking at all the new faces. I can see that my uncle has the same dark hair with blue eyes as my dad. My older cousin also had dark brown hair, but he had green hazel eyes. You can say he is a good-looking guy and very muscle. I can see all the girls just throwing themselves at him. The twins were different. The boy had dark hair and dark eyes but his siter was a light brown hair with light blue eyes. When I looked back to Akasma I noticed him staring at me in a strange way that made me feel uneasy.


"Yes, and youre Rosalia?"

"Yes, your cousin and I hope we can become good friends."

She smiled at me with so happily, but I can still see in the corner in my eye that he was still watching me with a wicked smile upon his face.

'Yue, what you think? I'm not sure why he's looking at us that way.'

'I'm not sure either, but I'm getting a bad feeling about it.'

'I guess we should stay on alert when were around him and especially when were alone with him.'

'That be best Ariana, but it be better never to be alone with him.'

"Hey Ariana, come with me to my room. I need to show you your outfit for school. They were sent here last week, and you need to try them on to make sure that we got the right size for you. If not, well still have time to send them back to get the right size for you."

"Sure, just show me the way."

She walks away as I follow her to her room, but I can still feel him watching my ever move but why?

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