* Chapter: 4 *

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"Liaris freese... hmm." Finn rested his chin at the tip of his fingers still trying to understand the situation
"Loki is correct, we should keep this a secret, for the Familia's safety but most importantly Bell's safety." Riveria sided with the goddess, Gareth nodded his head, yet Finn still looked confused.
"So how did he get this kind of skill? I mean it's got to be from something that occurred with him" Finn was trying to find a stable explanation, frowning at each thought due to him not understanding the situation
"Yeah, I can't seem to figure it out as well.." Riveria stared at the prum in front of her.
"Well, there is no use on dwelling on it we'll figure it out along his journey, we need to protect him as well, people are going to react about Bell's sudden power up." Finn seemed to put the thought on hold.
"Well Gareth take this boy to his room, it's pretty late right now" Loki still caressing the white rabbit's hair. Gareth nods and picks up the boy and delivers him to his room gently placing him on the bed.

*Next morning*

"Ugh..ughhgh" Bell groaned in discomfort as he slowly opened his eyes and sat down from his sleeping position, placing his hand on his forehead signaling a brutal headache.

*knock knock knock*

"Come i-in" The red eyed rabbit answered quickly, 'click' the door slowly opens showing who was behind it, the tall beautiful golden hair that appeared before him, made Bell quickly figure out who it was, red colors started forming around his cheeks

"M-Ms Aiz? W-what are you doing here?" Bell queried the sword princess,
"I heard about what happened to you yesterday." Aiz was quick to inform
"Happened yesterday day? What happened yesterda-" Bell gradually started remembering his actions yesterday day, "O-oh, I-I was just trying to get strong, heh..." Aiz glared at Bell making him shiver from the coldness her eyes deduced,
"I know why you went to the dungeon, it was because of Bete wasn't it, you are the white haired boy that I saved from the Minotaur.." Aiz caught a glimpse of sadness on Bell's face but it was quickly replaced with a nervous smile.
"Yeah.. I also forgot to thank you for saving me from the Minotaur, I shouldn't have ran off." Bell at this point was bowing furiously.
"It is okay Bell, I also want to thank you for saving me from those thugs." Aiz still had no expression coloring her face.
"B-But you already did, you don't need to really... heh..." Bell felt nervousness forming from deep inside him, yet he didn't know why he was nervous.
"No, I need to do it right." Aiz's face started slightly becoming red
"So Bell, after tomorrow do you want to go out?" Aiz was pink of color trying to hide her face, she felt weird.
"Ehhh?! W-W-What for?!" Bell immediately questioned Aiz
"Well, I'll tell you after tomorrow, meet me at the fountain just before evening okay?" Aiz waiting for Bell's answer
"S-Sure" Bell nodded his head and with that Aiz had left his room in swift motion leaving Bell questioning everything that happened just now he was excited to say the least.
"Maybe this is a date! But no why would she want to go out with me, what would the sword princess want to do with me-" Bell's train of thoughts was interrupted by yet another knock, he jumped off his bed and opened the door.

Loki was standing in front of him looking smug, "Rabbit! I have ya some mighty good news if I say so, I've updated yer status yesterday and look." Loki took the Falana out of her pocket and showed it to Bell, his eyes widened by the surprise.
"H-How is that even possible?... I-I..." Bell was speechless to say the least, his mind was blank at the moment he forgot the things his mind was processing and just stared at the piece of paper that showed his hard work, dedication and pain.
"I donno as well but... that is good ya have been working hard I can say that, keep doin that and make me proud!" Loki had some words of encouragement to say.
"I-I...." Bell looked at his goddess, "I will not disappoint you!" Bell shouted.
"Alright I believe ya, now go to the dungeon yer late." Loki smirked and went out of her child's room.
"Oh right! I need to hurry up!!" Bell picked up his armor and threw it on he took his new iron dagger and made his way to the dungeon, starting another day of power progressing, Bell felt he had increased in power and resilience but the most noticeable one was his agility he was much faster than before, out ranking his enemies in the dungeon he easily made his way to the 9th floor, Bell was considerate though he knew that he had to stop his armor isn't sturdy enough for the powerful 9th floor monsters. He exited the dungeon feeling really starved the amount of slaying and running he had done left him in a tired state, so he went to the house of fertility.

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