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Nick POV:
Tony:Nothing it's just...............I love u
omg did tony just say he loved me .
Tony:NICK HELLO......Earth to NICK

Nick:OH ,sorry I -I
Tony:it's ok u don't have to say it yet u said u wanted to take things slow so we can take things slow

Nick:AWWW,thankyou .........Hey we better get our food and get back to ur house quick before Ondreaz try's to murder me(laughs)


I grab Tony's hand and we go back to the car .As soon as we get in Ondreaz calls Tony

Big Bro 🥺😭 is calling.......

Tony answered and said:

Tony:Hi wassup

Ondreaz:why are u two taking so long

Tony:well the line at Taco Bell is long

Ondreaz:oh ok

Tony:ok well by

......Call ended
Tony:so Nick does this mean u like me too

Nick:obviously I like u I kissed u

Tony:oh yeah(laughs nervously)

*Time skip to when Tony and Nick are home*

Ondreaz:finally ,oh and Tony can we talk when ur done eating


Ondreaz POV:
When we were eating I saw Nick look at Tony and then Tony started to look at Nick too and they were staring into each other's eyes for like 2mins and then Nick laid his head on Tony's shoulder

Ondreaz:Tony c'mon we neeeeed to talk

Tony and Ondreaz walk to their room

Ondreaz:look I'm sorry I was so mean to u and Nick I know u aren't gay or bi I was just worried

Tony :yeah ok

Ondreaz:I'm honna head downstairs,why don't U show Nick we're the guest bedroom is because I'm going to bed


Tony runs downstairs

Nicks POV:
Tony ran downstairs

Tony:Hey Nick I will show u were u will be sleeping because I'm about to go to bed


Tony took me to the guest room and he then left to go to bed but I get scared sitting in there alone so I walk into Tony's room
He is playing Visio games and I was gonna ask if I could sleep in his bed since I was scared so I took my shirt off and when I started to pull my pants down Tony then looked at me and he said uhh I need to go take a shower

Tony POV:
I was playing video games and then I turned around and saw Nick with his shirt off and his pants off leaving him with only boxers on I started to get hard so I said I need to take a shower
I got in the bathroom and closed the door really fast and I could tell nick was probably confused

Nick POV :
Tony shuts the bathroom door real quickly and then I hear ,
Tony:D-dont stop Nick ~ahh~ohh~mhm... ...ahhhh....n-nick ahhhhh faster
I then new what happened he got hard and he had to take a shower to get rid of it
Tony then stops the water and comes out of the door and he says
"I'm done taking a shower "
Nick:Tony I heard u moaning and saying my name

Tony:well..........I -I

Nick :whatever I wanted to know if I could sleep here because the guest room is scary because I don't like being alone

Tony:yeah but Nick


Tony:I was hard so I got in the shower to try and make it go away that's why u heard moaning


Tony:uhm But do u wanna watch a movie while we try to go to sleep


Tony POV:

I stared into Nicks eyes and I leaned in and kissed him and pretty soon it turned into a make out and then I brought my hand up into the back of his shirt and then my hand started going down and I got to we're my hand was on his but


Tony:I-I'm sorry I-I didn't m-mean t-to
I started crying and I ran out of the room

Nick POV:
Tony leaned in and started kissing me it turned into a make out and then he reached his hand up into the back of my shirt I was a little uncomfortable with it but I didn't want to ruin the moment but then his hand started going down my back and when his hand got to my butt I said"TONY I WAS TRYING TO KISS U WOTHOUT THIS HAPPENING IM NOT READY I TOLD U WE NEED TO TAKE OT SLOW
Tony:I-I'm sorry I -I didn't m-mean t-to
Tony ran out of the room crying

Word count~816

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