Chapter 18

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Tony POV:
I was really scared that nick wouldn't like me anymore but I was pulled out of my thoughts by Ondreaz yelling


Nick:ok so are we gonna go back to the hypehouse soon or not

Ondreaz:we will be leaving here in two days

Nick:ok......hey Tony u ok?

Tony:huh oh yeah I'm fine

Nick:are u sure

Tony:*fake yawns* yeah I'm tired soooo good night Dre good night Nicky

Nick POV:
Tony was acting weird



N:he doesn't seem ok

O:I know he's acting weird

N:what if we spy on him like we can put cameras in h-

O:say no more I'm in

N:ok I'll go get the cameras


I go grab the cameras

N:ok I'll go and tuck tony in and u will put the cameras up when I give u the signal

O:what's the signal

N:I'll cough three times


I go to Tony's room

Tony:what are u doing Nick

Nick:I thought u were going to sleep

Tony starts tearing up

Nick:hey hey baby come here

Tony crawls up to me and sits in my lap

Tony:I'm scared


Tony:I don't want u to hate me

Nick:I'm never gonna hate u

Tony:but I have that thing


Tony:shush I don't like that word


Tony:bc I don't

Nick:baby I love u

Tony:but do u rlly

Nick:what do u mean

Tony:I mean do u love me or do u just like me

Nick:I love u but I don't wanna count that time in the car as our first time bc u were a different person ok


Nick:also I'm not gonna be ready to have sex in a while ok


Nick:can we go to sleep now


Nick:*coughs three times*

Ondreaz walks in

I shake my head no telling him not to put up the cameras

Soon I fall asleep with Tony in my arms wich is weird since he is normally big spoon

Hi it's been a while since I wrote not that long but long if u know what I mean but anyways I hope u enjoyed this ya the longest chapter I've wrote in a while

Word count~405

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