Rescue Me

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*Rescue me from the demons in my mind*

(Y/N) never had a good home life, he dad was verbally abusive and her mom was usually drinking, and her older brother moved in with his pregnant teen girlfriend. Her brother tried his best to be there for her because he knew how their parents were but he could never fully help. (Y/N) was always independent even when she was little, and usually alone but that's the way she liked it. She knew this group of people, that wear the name "pouge" like a suit of armor. She wasn't necessarily friends with them but they'd invite her to parties and hang with them sometimes

I go to work like any other day at a local grocery store when I feel a buzz in my back pocket, I got a text from JJ

"Hey, would you want to hand with me and the others tonight at John Bs?"

I respond with " yeah sounds good, I'll get there around 7"

I put my phone away and finish up the last details of cleaning before I got to head home

Once I finished I punched my work card and left, leaving on my bicycle

I get home and shower, pick out an outfit, do a little makeup and hair

I see myself in the mirror, I wore a red sweatshirt and jean shorts with black high top vans

I didn't want to wear short sleeves because unfortunately my dads verbal abuse turned into physical, which doesn't happen often but my mom gave him one too many beers last night. I didn't want anyone to see the bruises on my arms and shoulders, luckily I dodged his punch that would've hit my face

I left my house and arrived shortly after to the chateau, I walk up to the porch and wave to everybody and hugged Kie

Kie always made an effort on making me feel comfortable because I was an outsider. I was more friends with her more than the others. But I always had a crush on JJ, a tall beach blonde surfer

We all sat in a circle outside on the porch and I sat between Kie and JJ

We were all talking and laughing, they all drank beer and were getting tipsy but I didn't want to drink, seeing how my parents were

JJ seemed to be scooting closer and closer to me with every sip he took from his beer

I was starting to get hot in my sweatshirt and unconsciously rolled up my sleeves revealing some cuts and bruises

I saw John B staring at my arms and I looked down and quickly rolled them back down not wanting anyone else to see

I look over at him and shake my head no so he wouldn't say anything, he just looked at me with a worried face and nodded ok

I was starting to loose my confidence and stopped laughing as much

How was I supposed to explain this? I didn't want him to find out this way, hell, I didn't want him to know at all. I knew John B well enough that when I would try to leave he'd try to talk to me

I was starting to get antsy and was bouncing my leg from anxiety starting to kick in

I was trying to get up to leave and say my goodbyes after about 3 hours of hanging out

I gave everyone a hug "I had really good time! See you guys later" I said as I gave my last hug to JJ

I tried to speed walk away as fast as I could without being suspicious

I thought I had gotten away til I heard "(Y/N)!"

I looked back to see JJ running towards me

"What's up?" I asked as calmly as possible

"I don't know how I should say this. But, I saw your arms" he said holding out his hand for me to take it. He tried to roll up my sleeve but I jerked away

"I'm sorry" he said

"Just, leave it alone. It's nothing" I said starting to get annoyed

"No, I know those bruises" he said showing me his arm. They looked the same

I just stood there not knowing what to say

"Listen, I know we aren't that close but I need to know you're ok" JJ says to me as I stare at the dirt road beneath my feet

"Hey" he says putting a finger under my chin lifting it to his face "it's oka-"

"No it's not! I don't want any sympathy from you, I know you have to deal with the same thing but I can handle this on my own!" I yelled slightly at JJ


I start to flinch and back away, tears beginning to stream down my face

JJ sees my reaction and instantly begins to apologize

"Rescue me from the demons in my mind. Rescue me from the lovers in my life" said in a loud almost yelling voice tears pouring

JJ looked at me with tears rolling down his face, pulling me into his arms

"Whatever you do don't play my game, too many years being the king of pain" JJ says into my neck

"I'm sorry JJ. I'm sorry" I said crying into his chest

"Stop, there's no need to apologize" JJ says taking a deep breath still holding me "(Y/N)... I like you, like a lot. And I hate seeing you like this. I want to protect you but I know I can't all the time. But that doesn't mean won't still try"

I stopped crying still with my arms wrapped around his torso, looking up into his grey blue eyes "I like you too JJ" I said smiling back

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