// thirteen //

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bryce continued to drive and i can feel the tension "why do you still care about him jules?" i sigh as he talks "i-i just can't stop it..if i could i wouldn't be talking to him or even see him.." i slowly rub my forehead and look out the window "jules?" i look back at him "hmm?" he glances at me "im sorry" a smile appear on my lips and i nod "its fine.." i look back out the window and silence fill the car again.

*next morning*

i woke up to someone moving around and my alarm going off. i groan and lay a pillow on my face. "get your ass up!" i take the pillow off of my face and glare at him "whyyyyyy, its 6AM bryce!" i whine at him "oh come on, don't be a baby" i roll my eyes and sit up "whatever, get out" he cross his arms on his chest "what did you just say young lady?" i playfully roll my eyes "get out so i can changeee" i whine again and he raise his hands in disbelief "fine fine" i smile as he leaves my room and i get up to stretch. i yawn and walk over to my closet. i look at my clothes not knowing what to wear. i groan as pick up a decent outfit and walk into the bathroom. i take my clothes off and jump into the shower.

i get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body as i start to dry myself. i take the outfit off the counter and put it on.

[a/n: annies outfit ]

i plug in the straightener and do my hair

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i plug in the straightener and do my hair.

i unplug the straightener and walk out the bathroom. i walk over to my desk and pick up bag along with my phone and my ear buds then walk downstairs and into the kitchen. "good morning mom" i place my bag on the floor and walk over to her. i place a kiss on her cheek and sit on a stool. "good morning jules" i smile at him "morning" i look at the time and sigh "im sorry mom but i have to skip breakfast" she put the pancake mix down and look at me "why?" i sigh amd lean my arms on the counter "i need to pick up jayden and lauren" that was a terrible lie.. "do you want me to come with you?" i shake my head fast "no no its fine, i will see you guys after school" they nod and i place a kiss on each of their cheeks and pick my bag up. i take my keys off the key holder and walk out the house. i walk into the garage and get into my car. i turn it on and drive out and off to school.

as soon as i park my car into the school parking lot , i see johnnys pull up into the free space next to mine. a smile creep on my face and turn the car off. i grab my bag and get out of the car. i move away from the car and i see johnny leaning on his car boot. "why are you wearing sunglasses at 7am?" he chuckles while taking them off, he looks up to me with pretty green eyes. "hmm you can say to i wanted to be attractive towards this girl" he smiles and he leans towards me, i slowly hit his arm and smile. "aww did i make you blush? thats cute" my eyes widen and i look away from him. he wasn't lying my cheeks were on fire but i couldn't help it. i nervously bite my bottom lip and look back at him. "seriously john, why did you want me to come here this early when school starts at 8?" his chuckle "i want to spend time with you before our friends show up and a make show about it." i can feel my smile grows. i slowly nod and look away. i feel his fingers lock with mine and he leads us to the football field.

he walk us into the middle of the field and places his bag on the grass. his butt met the ground and he looks at me "what?" as i said that i was down next to him on the ground. my head fell on his chest and i laugh.

i slowly sit up and look around "its really quite here in the morning.." i feel him sit up and look at him. he has a smile on "why are you so smiley?" he looks into my eyes and our eyes lock. i slowly pull my legs up to my chest and lay my chin on it as i keep looking at him "because im happy" his smile grows and my heart skip a beat. he look so precious as the chilly wind hit his hair "well im glad your happy" we keep looking at each other and i broke the eye contact and look around again. "annie?" i turn my head to his direction "what?" he fiddle with his fingers and i sigh as i knew he is nervous. i scoot closer to him and place my hands on top of his and his face snap up so he can see me. i smile at him "don't be nervous around me john.." his eyes were glossy and i face palm "johnny?..." he looks away and i frown. "im sorry annie.." i don't understand anything "what for?" his eyes meet mine and i see a tear go down his face. "im sorry that i let you go..this was the dumbest mistake i ever-" i cut him off by hugging him. i feel his head on my shoulder as tears fell on my shirt. i play with his hair and i kiss his cheek. "i forgive you, you idot. i swear i forgive you" i wrap my left arm around his neck more tighter and tug his hair with my fingers. i close my eyes as i feel a sharp pain in my chest. "don't blame yourself john.." "but it is my fault.." he said at the crook of my neck but it was muffled. i pull away and cup his face with my hands making him to look at me "its not your fault, i promise." "ann-" i cut him off "i know that we broke up..but i never stopped loving you.." his smile was weak and i smile back. "i love you, you idiot" i shake his head with my hands and hug him again.

i wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head on my arms.

i didn't want this moment to end.

i want to stay like this with him forever..

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