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    "You sure you don't want to go? Jennie's parties are nothing like the clubs," Namjoon says. I hear Yoongi sigh.

    "It's a good thing he doesn't want to go. Don't ruin it," Yoongi says and wraps his arm around my shoulder.

    "Why?" I dare to ask.

    "I don't like her."

    "You like no one!" Namjoon sighs, "Except for Tae." I giggle at his exclaim and hear Yoongi scoff.

    "You aren't that bad either, Kim," Yoongi says, and Namjoon looks at me with big eyes.

    "You heard that, right?" he asks, and I nod, laughing at the duo. "Don't make me regret saying it," Yoongi just grumbles as we walk towards our next class.

    "No backsies, Min. I got to go to my class, see ya!" Namjoon says and we part ways before I could even tell him 'bye'.

    "For someone that smart, he truly is an idiot," Yoongi scoffs, making me laugh again. Namjoon is indeed really smart. I figured that out when we went studying together.

    "He's just cheerful. You should try that," I say and see him look at me through narrowed eyes, making me grin. He just chuckles as we wait in front of the room we got to be in.

    "I thought you were on my side!" he says. I bite my lip, trying not to laugh again at his facial expressions.

    "I'm always on your side, Yoon! But he does make a point. You don't like that many people! What makes you like Namjoon all of a sudden?" I ask him curiously. He sighs as he looks behind me, his facial expression changing into an angry one, but before I could look around he answers my question.

    "He's not a threat." What does that mean?

    I looked behind me, too curious about why he's so angry, and I immediately forget what we were talking about.

    I see him, Jeongguk. He looks a bit tired. His dark eyes don't hold that glint of amusement that I had seen in his eyes so many times before. He looked annoyed. I could see other students looking at him and all look a little... afraid.

    I see Jimin frown as he talks to him, and their other friend is still not back. But that girl is. She stands next to Jeongguk with a bit of an angry look on her face.

    I had no idea what was going on there.

    And then he all of a sudden looks up at me, look in his eyes immediately changing to a softer one. He ignored Jimin as he stepped toward me. But he stops when my teacher blocks my view and opens the door. I soon get pushed inside the classroom by Yoongi.

    "Don't, Troubles. You know what happened last time," he says and gives me a pitiful look. I remembered. But maybe he has an explanation. He was gone from school the days after as well. Perhaps he got really sick or something else might have happened?

    Throughout the entire class, I couldn't concentrate. I probably should as we had Economics and the teacher gave us some more information and help with studying.

    "Are you okay?" Taeyong asks. I look his way just to see him look at me already.

    "Yes, just a bit distracted," I say and look toward the clock to see we have just ten minutes left.

    "By what? Help me get distracted too so I don't have to follow this boring class," Taeyong whines. I couldn't help but smile amused at that comment and glance at him briefly.

    "Class is almost over," I tell him and he smiles excitedly.

    "Then I can finally eat," he says and I frown a bit confused.

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