Chapter 3: Okay Ladies

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Roxanne rolled her shoulders, then stretched her arms out to the peeling paint on her ceilings and groaned. A sickening crack sounded from her joints, causing her to lower them gently and slowly move to get out of bed.

As she got dressed, the dream she had had was haunting her thoughts. Blue eyes. It had been months since she dreamed about his eyes. Why were they coming back now? And why did they look different? More... Feminine?

The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon when Roxy opened her door, but other camp counsellors were already starting to stir. The cold morning fog stung at Roxy's skin as she walked through the campsite towards the stables, with her feet going numb in a pair of big black gumboots and hair tied up into a messy bun.

When she arrived at the stables, there was already someone in there. Aurora Mansten, standing in front of Lady's stall, an unlit cigarette hanging from her mouth. Goosebumps could be seen on her skin as she hugged her arms around her, glaring up at the black horse. She hadn't seemed to notice Roxy standing at the doorway, holding a bucket of oats. "Give it back," Rory was telling the horse firmly, flinching a little every time Lady flared her nostrils or even simply blinked. "Come on," The blonde begged, her voice even beginning to whine as she spoke. "Just give me back my lighter, you shit."

"She's friendly," Roxy said, entering the barn and closing the door behind her. Rory jumped, turning to stare at Roxy, which would have been funny if Roxy hadn't noticed the dark circles underneath the blonde's eyes. "Didn't get much sleep?" She asked quietly as she gave the horses their breakfast.

"I don't sleep well in new places," Rory answered stiffly, watching as Roxy moved around the barn, checking the horse's water and giving each one a pat on the nose.

"Ah." Roxy turned and smiled at her, determined to be friendly despite the fact that Rory made her uncomfortable. "You'll get used to it, Rory. By the way, why were you talking to Lady? She doesn't understand voice commands yet."

"It took my lighter." Rory shifted on her feet, her cheeks tinged pink. "Or. I dropped it, in there. When that fuck–" She pointed at the horse in the stall across. "–Tried to fucking nip me."

"Just go in there and get the lighter. And don't mind Prince, he's in the middle of being broken in."

"What if it kicks me?" The blonde had her eyes narrowed suspiciously at Lady. It was cute... Really fucking cute, actually. Roxy tried to push all thoughts out of her head and put the bucket down on the floor, walking closer. "Or bites me?" Rory continued cautiously.

"She won't," Roxy promised. "I swear. She's one of our most friendly horses. We usually put beginners on her, or kids if there's any visiting their siblings. Just undo the latch, step in, and pick up the lighter. She'll barely notice you."

"Fine," Rory hissed after a beat of silence. She undid the latch quietly and slipped inside, disappearing behind the gate for a second before she resurfaced with a silver Zippo clutched in her hand. She then stared up at Lady, who was blinking slowly at her. "I guess you're not so bad," Rory told the horse. "Just a little dumb."

On cue, Lady leaned forward and sniffed Rory, causing her to jump back and slam into the gate. Roxy tutted, then undid the latch and opened it, allowing Rory to fall into her arms. The warmth of Rory's back against Roxy's chest felt almost addicting. She missed the touch, the feeling of her arms wrapped around somebody, despite the fact Rory was a girl. "She just wanted to know if you had a carrot," Roxy told Rory when the blonde looked up, scowling.

"Let me go, Farings."

"Okay, okay."

Roxy wanted to laugh. It was hilarious and fucking absurd that Aurora Mansten was nervous about horses, so nervous she had nearly tripped when one came at her. Instead of laughing, she held back a smirk and helped Rory to be steadier on her feet, watching as the blonde brushed herself off, looking absolutely livid.

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