Chapter 9

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Klaus' POV

I watched as Isolde slammed my door locking it before she leaned back against it closing her eyes.  A moment ago she wouldn't even look at me and now she was locking herself in my room.  Not that I'm complaining just slightly curious.

"Love what are you doing?" I asked tilting my head to the side, eyebrow raised.

A scowl formed on her face as she let out a groan.  "I should have never given you Rebekah back."

As if on cue Rebekah was pounding on the door.  "Isolde Gisella Salvatore you get your arse out here right now and talk to me about this."

"No leave me alone you insane original bitch."  Isolde groaned again glaring at me as a chuckle fell from my lips.

"You come out here now you psychotic hybrid or so help me I will tell him what I know." As Rebekah's words reached through the door Isolde had it flung open in the blink of an eye.

My curiosity was peaked.  "Well well dear sister what do you know?"

Isolde turned to her a pleading look on her face.  "Please Bek let me figure this out first.  I just need some time."

Bekah looked between her and I for a few moments before nodding her head.  "Fine but I get your room until mine is ready.  Looks like you will have to find some where else to sleep."

I watched as she made her way to the burbon I kept, fixing a glass before slamming it back.  "So what does Rebekah know?"

"That would be none of your business Nikky boy."  She downed another glass.

"Well you know if you told me love I could let you sleep in here with me for time being."  The words came out with a smirk.

When she turned to me she had an eyebrow raised.  "Who said I wanted to sleep in here?  I was thinking of going to see if Kol would let me share a bed with him, I've heard he's a real treat in the sack."

There was no way for me to surpress the growl that came out of me.  The thought of him touching her and her calling out his name made me want to rip his head off.  Jealousy and Possessiveness overwhelmed me until I heard Isolde's laugh.

A bright smile lite up her face with another fit of laughter.  "Calm down I have no intention of sleeping with Kol but why would it matter if I did?"

"It wouldn't matter.  If you want to bed an entire city do as you please. Although I've heard a few stories of you doing so."  My words came out hard as I scowled at her.  I had to put on this front so she wouldn't know that I was feeling something for her.

As her face fell slightly I felt instantly guilty.  "If you will excuse me I will go play the part of town whore and bed an entire city now."

Before I could say another word she slammed the door leaving me alone.

Time lapse....

I had been gone a few weeks trying to create more hybrids but much to my dismay it was not working.  Every time I tried they ended up dying before the transition.  Something was off about this and I had a feeling the little gang in Mystic Falls knew something about it.  My phone started to vibrate in my pocket.

From Rebekah:
Isolde wants you to bring Stefan to the gym at the school.  She has a little surprise for him.
P.S.  She's still pretty pissed at you.  FIX IT.

Turning I smirked at Stefan. "Looks like we are going home.  Your little sister seems to have a surprise for you.  I'm sure what ever she has planned will be bloody beautiful."

"Ah yes Isolde I recall hearing that she is not all happy with you.  What did you do take away her play toys or not give her enough attention?" When he smiled at me I wanted to snap his neck so I did before picking him up and making my way back to Mystic Falls.

Upon entering the school I found her in the gym compelling two of the students.  The bartender and Caroline sat unmoving on the side of them. Her eyes never leaving the two her sweet voice found it's way to my ears.

"Niklaus it seems my brothers have not been completely honest with us."  She snapped her fingers and Kol walked in with a struggling Elena.

"Where's Stefan?"  Elena gasped as Kol tossed her to me.

I couldn't help but smirk.  "Stefan is in time out.  Seems he's been a bad boy."

Rebekah burst through the door with a young werewolf followed by the Bennett witch.  Isolde smiled at me.  "Right on time."

"I'd like you to meet my sister Rebekah. She can be quite mean."  I smirked at her.

"Don't be an arse."  She rolled her eyes smiling at Isolde as she tossed the wolf to me.

Is grabbed Bonnie by the throat.  "Now you've all been lying to me and I don't take kindly to that.  Niklaus here is going to turn Tyler so I suggest you find a way to fix what you did before he dies like the rest did."

With that I feed Tyler my blood before breaking his neck.  Isolde looked like there was something she wanted to say to me but turned walking out.   Rebekah was right I needed to fix this.  I didn't like her not speaking to me in a friendly manner.  The only reason she has been speaking to me is to discuss business.

Of course the scooby gang had the answers I needed before long.  Elena's blood was what I needed to create my army.  Obviously killing off the ones they loved made them work a lot quicker.

The Fallen One (On Hold for Edits and Rewrite!)Where stories live. Discover now