Chapter 15

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Klaus' POV

Sitting in the front of the shop with the older witch made me a bit tense. The only witch I have ever trusted was Isolde but hearing her call this woman mother put a small amount of comfort in me. She had been telling me more about Is and what she was.  I was a bit surprised at the amount of knowledge she held on the topic. She had answered every question I posed to her.

"Why now, do you wish to know about Isolde?  You have been together for some time now.  Why not before?"  Cecilia tilted her head waiting for me to answer her.

"My brother, Kol, posed a question a few nights ago that sparked my curiosity."  I stated.

"What question would that be my dear?" I knew before she spoke that she would ask.

Clearing my throat I leaned forward. "If we were in heat.  Is that a possibility?"

A gentle knowing smile formed on her faced.  "So you truly do not know."

"Know what?"  My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at her intently.

"That Isolde is carrying your child." As the words left her mouth I jumped up knocking my chair.

My fist clenched as well as my jaw as the anger ran through me. "Stop lying to me old woman. That is not possible."

Cecilia leaned back raising an eyebrow at me.  "Why is it not possible Niklaus?"

"Because we are vampires you dense woman. We can not reproduce!"  My voice rose as did my anger. This woman was playing with me.

She now stood as well staying behind the table.  Her once smiling face now hard.  "No, you are hybrids.  Her more so than you. Those part of you still work. Therefore it is possible. Now calm yourself Isolde is coming and I do not wish to upset her."

The sound of Isolde's sweet laughter suddenly stopped making me look to her. She was assessing my stance looking back and forth between Cecilia and I.  I could not stop my eyes from combing over her body and stopping on her stomach.  I felt as if I stared hard enough I could see what was inside.  If what this witch was telling me was true she couldn't be far along. Her stomach was still flat. I was so wrapped up in the many thoughts running through my mind that I had not noticed Isolde speaking to me until she was in front of me waving her hand in front of my eyes.

Her soft hands found their way to the sides of my face. "Nik are you okay?"

"I'm fine my love."  I kissed the top of her head hoping to ease her worry.

She turned to Cecilia. "What did you tell him mere´?"

I shot her a warning looked to keep her mouth closed before she spoke.  "Nothing my child. We had a simple disagreement like all strong minded people do."

"Yes, love it is nothing to fret over. Now what is it you wanted?"  I gave her a reassuring smile.

Isolde gave me a smile and a looked that said we will discuss this later. "I would like you to meet Jean Devereaux.  He's Cici's husband and alpha of the pack here in New Orleans."

The older man held out his hand for me to shake.  "Nice to meet you Klaus. I hear you managed to make an honest woman out of our wild child here."

"Ah yes but I do love her wild side. She is quite enjoyable to watch when she loses herself in the chaos."  I pulled Isolde close to me as I spoke.

He let out a chuckle. "So the stories about you are true. You enjoy the darker things in this world."

I was about to answer when the door opened and in walked a man I hadn't seen in over a hundred years, Marcel. His white smile stood out against his dark skin. His eyes roamed the room landing on Isolde and I. My suspicion was raised when two of his henchmen flocked in closing the door.

"Well if it isn't my oldest friend, Klaus, and what is this?  The evil wench who tore down my empire and then disappeared.  A little bird told me you were in town.  Have you come to pay the price for what you have done Isolde?" He gave a taunting smile as he spoke.

Is let out a laugh at his attempt to threaten her as she stepped forward. "Oh the way you baby vampires think you are so vicious just tickles something inside of my heartless body. What was it?  Two hundred of you vampires that I did away with the last time I was here. Let's see if I can top that number this time shall we?"

Not wanting any harm to come to her if she was indeed pregnant with my child I jumped in.  "Now Isolde, sweetheart, Marcel is a friend.  We do not kill our friends."

"Well my love you may not but I have no preference on who I kill and Marcel is no friend of mine." She sent me a glare filled with anger as she turned to Cecilia and Jean. "Cici, Jean it was a pleasure seeing you again but it has come time for me to leave."

"Love where are you going?"  I asked as she headed for the door.

Looking over her shoulder she smirked at Marcel and I. "I am going to the house Niklaus. Please enjoy the company of your friend. I'm sure I will find some way to entertain myself."

With that she rammed her hand through one of the men's chest pulling his heart out. Tossing it to the other man she licked her hand. "Marcel it was a displeasure. Don't keep my husband to long now or do it will give me more time to myself. I do have great fun when I'm bored."

"Husband huh?  I thought the great Klaus Mikaelson didn't love.  Although as far as choices go seems you picked someone who can rival you in the amount of blood shed, which is impressive.  What brings you to my city old friend?"  Marcel asked leaning against the counter.

"Your city?  Seems like you are mistaken my friend. New Orleans is my kingdom, I built it from the ground up."  My face hardened as my words came out cold.

He let out a chuckle as he shook his head. "You left here over a hundred years ago and now the city is mine. I rule this place so it is my kingdom now.  I suggest you take your whore and leave my town before she causes more trouble than she can handle."

Letting out a humorless laugh I made my way to the door stopping in front of him I gripped his neck tightly as my eyes changed. "Do not disrespect Isolde again or I will torture you until you are begging me to end your pathetic existence. You do not know Isolde, she will tear this city to the ground and you along with it and I will help her do so. And believe me 'friend' we shall not be kind when we do so. This is my kingdom and soon my queen and I will take our rightful places ruling it."

As I made my way out I stopped at Cici and Jean. Shaking his hand and giving hers a quick kiss.

"Talk to her tonight Niklaus and bring her to me tomorrow at my home. There I will prove what I told you." She whispered in my ear causing me to nod my head.

Now it was time for me to go make things right with Isolde. I knew she was enraged with me and probably taking it out on the city. I was only concerned for her safety and the possible life inside her. My mind was running rampant as I walk down the quiet street. How would I tell her she was carrying a life within her that we created?  How was this even possible for us?  What were we going to do, the two of us had more enemies than any army in the world. How could we bring a child in that?  Would I even be a good father?  This was going to be a very long night.


Thank you all so very much. Here is another chapter as promised.  I hope you enjoy it and remember to vote for the story if you are enjoying it or leave me a lovely comment and follow me. Much love :)

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