Shattering Glass

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Bakugou's POV

I woke up to a loud crash in the apartment above mine. It sounded like glass shattering against the wall. For a second I thought it must've been my dream and right as I was about to dismiss it I heard the voice of someone who sounded like they'd been crying. Loud crashing continued before I heard the door of that apartment slam shut. Now don't mistake this for kindness but as soon as I heard those footsteps storm away I made my way up to that apartment. I hesitated and was about to turn back around before I heard soft sobbing. You know what, screw it I came up here for a reason which was to get answers. So I'm going to get them. With a determined grunt I knocked on the apartments door. A few seconds passed before I heard the doorknob turn and the door opened. In front of me stood a tall redhead about my age, he had red hair that reached his shoulders just barely with matching red eyes. He was wearing a grey knitted sweater that was pulled up to his chin.

"What can I help you with sir?" He asked with an obviously forced smile, his eyes were puffy showing he'd been crying.

"I was wondering about the noise, it sounded like glass hitting the wall. I live in the apartment below yours I was just making sure everything was fine or whatever," I said as coldly as I could while quickly scanning to see if he was okay.

"What noise? I think your ears are playing tricks on you. Thanks for caring sir that's nice of you, I wish I could tell you about the noise but I didn't hear anything," he carefully spoke. His eyes showed genuine shock that someone had asked, much less cared that he was okay. I scoffed and nodded my head, knowing I had no proof.

"It must've been the wind than, if you ever need anything you can come get me." I said without thinking. I watched closeky for any more hints at what the hell could've helped. The shitty bastard who dared to hurt this redhead must be quite the dick. He's adorable-not now gay thoughts focus.

"he gave a sad smile, red eyes glazing over as he turned to close the door leaving me outside. I sighed and walked downstairs back to my apartment unable to believe how I was feeling. I knew I couldn't call the police I didn't have the evidence to stand on. I let out an angry growl as I stomped back to my apartment closing the door. I only knew one person I could talk to about this but I'd rather die than ask that damn nerd for help. Maybe I can solve this on my own. With that thought I laid on the floor of my bedroom unable to lay on my bed.

Kirishima's POV

"You're such a waste of space Kirishima!" My boyfriend yelled. This was of course after he had spent his day on the couch drowning booze. Without saying anything I stayed still, my grey sweater clinging to my skin. He continued to yell insults which I tried my best to block out. Before I could process what happened a bottle hit the wall beside my head and tears fell from my eyes.

"W-why??" I finally managed to breathe out, tears streaming down my cheeks. I hated crying it wasn't manly. I wasn't manly. I deserved this, didn't I?

"Why not?! You're a fuck up anyways!! Now clean this up before I get back!" He yelled before he stormed out of the apartment slamming the door. With shaking hands I searched for the broom. If I didn't clean this up it would be such a mistake, I wouldn't be worth it. As I began to clean I heard a knock on the door. Who would possibly be knocking on my door at this hour? Unless... no, nobody cares they wouldn't check on you. With that I walked to the door checking through the peep hole in my door. I was surprised to see a concerned looking spikey haired blonde. Cautiously I opened the door.

"What can I help you with sir?" I asked faking one of my flawless smiles. He didn't look so convinced which sort of startled me, normally everyone believes that smile.

"I was wondering about the noise, it sounded like glass hitting the wall. I live in the apartment below yours I was just making sure everything was fine or whatever," the blonde said attempting to sound grumpy. I saw right through that however, he was worried about me. Worried about the noise. I couldn't help but feel surprised, nobody had ever cared before so why would he care? Wait if people found out, no I can't tell him. I don't know him, I'll have to make an excuse.

"What noise? I think your ears are playing tricks on you. Thanks for caring sir that's nice of you, I wish I could tell you about the noise but I didn't hear anything," I said carefully. I hope he'd believe me, I hoped he'd at least drop it for the day. I need to know someone more to spill my guts to them. I need to at least know they are good people.. I miss my old friends, after I got together with this guy we fell apart since I haven't been able to hang out with them. Denki, Mina, Sero, Shinsou, Midoriya, Shinsou... I missed them all and this spikey blonde caring seems to have brought all that heart break back to me.

He sighed, "It must've been the wind than, if you ever need anything you can come get me," he said calmly. His eyes still scanned me to see if I was okay. I knew he didn't believe me but at least he dropped it. With a glance at the time I panicked, I have to clean up before he gets home or I'm screwed.

"Once again sir, thank you for caring it's very kind of you. But I'm afraid I've got to go back in," I said with a saddened smile before I closed the door. I immediately ran to the mess cleaning it as quickly as I could not caring if I cut myself on the small fragments of glass. Anything was better than him being mad again. Anything. 




(1072 Words)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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