🦋🌸🌊part 1💎👑🌸

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As I wake up from my sleep i see my sister Cynthia at the door way
Cynthia:oh hey y/n I was about to tell you to get up we leave in 2 hours
Y/n:k I'll be ready in like a hour but get out so I can get changed
Cynthia:ok bye
As she left I went to my closet to pick out my clothes for the day this is what I wear and post on my Instagram

As I wake up from my sleep i see my sister Cynthia at the door way Cynthia:oh hey y/n I was about to tell you to get up we leave in 2 hours  Y/n:k I'll be ready in like a hour but get out so I can get changed  Cynthia:ok bye As she left I went to ...

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Good bye LA hello New Jersey
Fan:omg I live in New Jersey also so do the nj boy omg she might meet them
Fan4:if you go to New Jersey can you meet up with the nj boys
Fan56:is Avani and Anthony going with you
Y/n_beer:yes they are going☺️

Y/n thoughts:
Who are these nj boys?maybe I could ask Cynthia
Out of y/n thoughts:
Y/n pov
Time to pack all my stuff (after all the packing which took 45 minutes) all done now time to ask Cynthia who these nj boy are as I walk to Cynthia room my dad calls me to come down
Y/n dad:come down y/n we have guests
When he said that I knew who he was talking about it was avani and Anthony as I ran downstairs I see avani and jump on her
Me and avani both fall on the floor and laugh
Anthony:I'm here to😤
Y/n:hey bestie
Me and Anthony hug and I give him a kiss on the cheek
Y/n dad:y/n we leave in 30 minutes go grab you stuff and tell Cynthia to come down
Y/n:ok dad brb
As I walk back to Cynthia room I hear her on the phone with her mom
Cynthia:yes mom I'll be safe no I won't tell her yet, bye mom
I started to walk in her room
Y/n:dad said to come down and bring you stuff
I start to walk back in my room and grab my stuff and head downstairs and put the stuff in the truck and get in the car (skip the car ride)
We get to the airport and got on the private jet (yes you have a private jet)the flight took 5 hours and 20 minutes long all I did in the ride was sleep. When we landed Cynthia woke me up
Cynthia:y/n wake up we are here
I wake up and see that avani is asleep on Anthony it was so cute

 When we landed Cynthia woke me up Cynthia:y/n wake up we are here I wake up and see that avani is asleep on Anthony it was so cute

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Imagine they were sleeping
To be continued


My thoughts:
Should I quit the story or should I keep going

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