🦋🦋🦋part 12🦋🦋🦋

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Kairi pov
I want to show mattia she like Derek because I care about him if he didn't know he would like a little puppy chasing her around
Kairi:if you don't join our gang I'll kill Derek
Y/n:😤fine I'll join but if you put one hand on Derek I will kill you all as a matter of fact on any of them I will kill you unless it's Alex I could careless
Kairi:ok now your free to go but you can't leave this house unless we let you
Y/n:ugh fine but can I see my friends
Kairi:fine mattia take her to them
End of recap
Mattia pov
Mattia:so bella do you like have a boyfriend or a crush or anything
Y/n:um I'm single no I don't like anyone and why are you asking
Mattia:I'm just asking a question relax
Y/n rolls her eyes at mattia
Mattia mind:
Damn she hot af I wish she was mine I could treat her way better then Derek
Out of Mattia's head
Y/n pov
Ugh I hate it here I just want to go back home and lay down I didn't expect this shit to fucking happen but I'll find a way out
Y/n:how much farther do we have to walk
Mattia:were here
We walked in the room and the first person I saw was Avani she had tears in her eyes
Y/n:Avani don't cry it's fine
I ran straight towards her and untied her and took the cloth out of her mouth then hugged her
Y/n:Avani everything's fine I promise but we just have to join there gang
Avani:i'm not joining this fucking gang
Y/n whispers:I'll get us out just wait also don't call me y/n call me Bella
End of Y/n pov
Avanis pov
I was confused on why she wanted me to call her bella but I listen because she is the leader and I trust her
Avani:bella have you seen the others
Y/n:no but mattia will show us
Mattia:ya come on
I followed mattia and bella when I saw mattia look at bella it looked like he liked her but I wasn't sure they would look cute together but he might break her heart like Alex
Avani:sooo mattia do you like bella
Mattia stopped and looked at me
Mattia:no I just met her plus she's annoying
Y/n:stfu bitch your annoying the fuck
Avani:you guy fight like a couple
Y/n and mattia looked at each other then looked away I think she likes him well this is going to be interesting
End of avani's pov
Back to y/n pov
Me and mattia made eye contact and quickly looked away he is really hot tho but I can't date him he's the enemy plus he keeping me captive fuck I feel in love with mattia but I thibk Cynthia likes him but maybe he likes me to but I shouldn't be worrying about that it's not important
Y/n:so how many farther till we get to the others
Mattia:not to far we're almost there
Mattia stopped at a door and opened it and I saw Derek so I ran to him and hugged him
Y/n:omg Derek you look bad but don't worry I'll get you cleaned up after
I untie Derek and take the cloth out of his mouth and I whisper
Y/n:call me bella
Mattia:let's get going
Mattia seemed mad at something but I didn't know what
To be continued
Authors note:
Hey guys thanks so much for the support and sorry I haven't been updating I've been trying to work on my mental health but I'm getting better also this chapter I tried to write more but ya thanks for 3k read like wow that's crazy I didn't think people would like my book but I'll be trying to update again love you all
From the author❤️

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