Chapter Three (editing)

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Two weeks has passed since Liam's and mine little study date. Two dreadful weeks. I haven't seen him or spoken to him for two weeks. He hasn't been in school either.

To be honest, I was actually glad. I didn't really care where he was. I was hoping he transferred or moved away, but if he did the school would be buzzing.

But no was talking about him. It wasn't normal. In way, I was happy, its like this whole stupid game never happened now. I was happy. Vanessa was talking to me. So was Ashley. They didn't really bother to ask what happened with Liam and me.

I know they didn't exactly forgive me, but they were fine if I didn't happen again, they didn't have to tell me this, I figured it out by myself. I could hear them whisper about me everytime I would turn my back, I would pretend I didn't hear it. As long as I had my friends back I was happy.

Its 7:30 on Monday morning. I was sitting in my calculus class, second row, where I usually sat. The bell rung and student began to pile in and take seats. Like usually, nerds who had no social life in the front. I consider myself a nerd, just with a social life. And "cool" kids in the back.

"Alright, settle down" Ms.Chip called as she stood in front of the class. I loved this class and Ms.Chip, even though she was a small elderly woman, she still could make pee your pants. She was the only teacher, that I felt actually cares about her students education.

Ten minutes into the class and the door flings open and Ashley stomps in. She had a furious look on her face.

"Ms.Miller this..." Ms.Chip begins. "I know, I don't care" Ashley says and sits behind me.

Ms.Chip lets it go and goes back to the lesson.

"Woah, what go your panties in a twist?" I ask in a whisper leaning back.

"Vanessa" Ashley hisses.

"What'd she do?" I ask

"She won't stop with her bloody crying, she just can't get that stupid boy out of her head"

"Liam?" I ask felling a lump in my throat.

"Who bloody else?" she hisses with her British accent.

"Well, maybe she should..." I begin

"Speaking of the devil" she interrupts.

I turn my head and see and see Liam talking privately with Ms.Chip. She just nods at everything he says. He looks so different, I can't figure out how, he just does.

He turns and starts walking towards a seat. Everything in the back is taken, so he sits in the front. Right in front of me.

I stare at the back of his head, trying to figure it out. Where was he? Why did it take him so long to get back? Why is he different?

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