Chapter: 1

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This is my first fanfiction so there could be any grammatical mistakes so please correct them for me!
As Shinra and Arthur layed in their beds, Shinra asked Arthur "hey arthur do you think we can stop human combustion??"

Shinra asked. Arthur said "I don't know"

they both talked to each other when they heard the fire alarm. Arthur jumped up and got out of his bed while shinra was going down on the ladder, he slipped and fell on top of Arthur and Maki-san walked in

"Get ready-" Maki stood there with her mouth open. "I- uh get ready now" Maki closed the door quickly and ran to get ready too.

Shinra got up quickly and apologized as he looked away blushing

(Time skip after they got into matchbox)

Shinra was sitting normally next to Maki when she whispered in his ear "hey why were you on top of arthur-?"

Shinra looked at her and blushes a bit "I slipped from the ladder and fell on him..."

Maki says "oh okay"
They reach the destination of the fire and start looking for the infernal.

"Infernal found!!" Obi says,

"This infernal is more hostile." Hinawa says.

Arthur charges in to attack but the infernal.....

To be continued....
Sorry this is a short chapter cuz it's my first one- and also my English sucks 😔😔 but I'll try to improve my English more

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