Chapter One

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Len, a boy with electric yellow hair. He was by no means popular at school. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Ever since he could remember, he'd always been their primary target. Who are 'they'? Well, 'they' were everyone. Everyone at school, including the children below his year, would try to find a way to make his life all the more miserable.

This week alone, the bullies had stolen his homework, ate his lunch, beat him up, and even molested him. What was more disgusting to him at the time was that some of them were boys. Len despised the things they did to him, he wanted it to stop. He tried talking to a teacher, but they dismissed him. He tried reaching out to the higher-ups. They told him that they'd find a way to solve the problem but here he is, still suffering without any help from anyone.

He wasn't that much better off at home either. Both his parents had left him and his twin sister, Rin, was suffering a fatal unknown illness.

Len cursed himself. Despite doing everything he could, why couldn't he make his life better? Life felt unfair.

After the long summer holidays, Today was going to be another miserable school day. Len reluctantly packed his things and walked to school on foot.

The walk felt long, just like about everything in Len's life. When he'd arrived at school, he walked up to and read the school bulletin which was conveniently just after the entrance.

"8C huh?" Len said aloud, "Sums up my life pretty well." He sighed. He started reading the other members of the class. He noted that most of his most prominent bullies were there, as usual. There were Miku, Kaito, Gumi, and well... another couple or so.

"Excuse me" Len heard an unfamiliar voice say. He immediately turned his head to a blonde boy who looked to be slightly shorter than him. He had two different coloured eyes, one was a bright amber while the other was a brilliant shade of red. For a split second, he'd pictured something white, covering the left part of his head. But he shrugged it off as he felt it was unimportant.

"I'm new here," He started, oh great, another soon to be bully, "Is there somewhere I can go?" He asked in slightly awkward Japanese.

Len stared at the new boy. I guess helping a little won't hurt. "Okay, you should check which homeroom you belong to first," Len explained matter-of-factly, "You can ask your homeroom teacher for any school-related questions."

The boy looked to the board and studied it carefully, looking for his name. It was to no surprise that the boy must've been from a different country, and that he'd been struggling to get around for a while.

Len caught himself staring at the boy and quickly averted his gaze to avoid attention.

"I'm in 8C it seems." The boy said, still seemingly deep in thought.

"I am too." Len replied, and without thinking, he offered the newcomer, "Would you like me to show you the way there?"

"Y-yeah" he hiccuped.

Len couldn't help but to think that the new foreign boy looked cute. He shrugged it off, however, as just a sideline observation, nothing more than something he thought up randomly. After all, what was attraction to a depressed boy like him?

Len guided the boy through the countless halls but stopped when he arrived in front of his classroom door.

He felt all his previous trauma flashing into his mind. The pain he had to endure had been burned into him and he would relive all his experiences, from being shoved into the toilet bowl to being 'accidentally' tripped at the staircases, whenever he is a step away from them. A drop of tear fell from his left eye.

Len did not want to open the door. He'd rather wait here all school day if he had to, leaving just before anyone could see them. As for the new boy, all he could hope was for the boy to at least ignore him.

But he wasn't that lucky, if he was, he'd never be in such a situation in the first place.

"Welcome," a brown-haired adult greeted, "Are you two in this class?"

"Y-yes," The boy replied before Len could react, "I'm new here."

"Come in," she smiled. Len took a deep breath to regain his non-existent confidence before he finally took a step. Len could tell that their new homeroom teacher was well, new. Surely, they'd hold back onto the in-class teasing while they get to know her

He walked into the class and was greeted by a couple of glares. "Look, the freaky haired boy is here." Kaito spat.

"And he brought a foreigner." Whispered Miku not-so-quietly.

"Enough" The teacher shouted, my eyes were immediately on her, could she finally be... a teacher who'd care about this...-

"You two, take a seat... anywhere you like." She said before turning towards the class, "Let's start with our introduction session. Everyone is to tell their name and two facts about themselves."

I sat down as far away from them as possible. The others don't bother me nearly as much as them. Conveniently, I was right beside a window with a great view of the outdoor sports area. I looked at the new boy. He struggled to decide where to sit, but eventually settled on sitting beside me. Why? You know how everyone treats me and yet you chose to sympathise me?

"Alright, everyone's seated. Then I'll start." She pointed to herself, "My name's Sakine Meiko, you can call me Sakine-sensei, or if you prefer, the more western Ms Sakine." She said as she struck a semi-ridiculous pose, "My favourite drink is sake and I do not like dealing with whiny children." She took another breath and pointed at me. "You there at the front, you can start and we'll work our way up the class."

Len hesitantly stood up. "My name's Kagamine Len. There's nothing interesting about me."

"Oh? Well, tell us about yourself anyway." The teacher pushed him.

Len thought about it for a moment. But there wasn't anything he could say that wouldn't mark him 'edgy'.

"I like bananas, and I have a" Len paused, he could not bear to say the next two words without breaking down.

"Understood, you may sit." Meiko rolled her eyes and landed them onto the new boy.

"Oh u-uhh..." The boy stood up and stuttered. fiddling with his fingers, he answered "My name's Oliver. I come from England and I have a pet bird named James."

In almost an instant, "Very well, Next!" Meiko requested- no... more like demanded.

'Oliver huh', Len thought, 'it's a nice name'.

Hi! Your local banana here with brand new fic.
This book will be entirely written in 3rd POV so hold on tight.

As for updates, this one will be much more frequent than Fated Visit. Weekly updates at least. I worked on a few chapters for the past few weeks and I'm pretty confident in keeping to the schedule :)

And as your probably have noticed, chapters are shorter here at around 1k words each.

I Can't Trust Anyone! [Len x Oliver]Where stories live. Discover now