Part 13

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"Babe you need to talk to me!!" I held Autumns face in my hands as I watched tears slip from her eyes.

"No... It's fine Travis!! I don't wanna talk!!" She looked down and more tears fell

"Babe, I wanna help you through this. Are you sure you don't wanna talk?" She shook her head. I kissed her cheek and walked out of her bedroom closing the door behind me. Tom and Mark were in the living room waiting for me.

"Is she okay?" Tom asked in a worried tone.

"She doesn't want to talk to me about it. I'm just so worried." My breathing was unsteady.

"God damn..." Mark mumbled. I say down and buried my face into my hands.

"Dude, it's gonna be alright." Mark wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"I'm just so fucking scared. I think I am really in love with this girl, like, really in love and some guy is out to get her. What if something worse happens!?" I could barely speak. My own words were breaking me.
"I'm just so fucking scared. I think I am really in love with this girl, like, really in love and some guy is out to get her. What if something worse happens!?" I heard Travis say from downstairs. He sounded horrible. Oh my god, did I cause all this? I brought Austyn into their lives. I can't breathe. For the slightest moment I had a extreme panic attack. I don't wanna be 'that' kind of person. No. I can't think about that. Not now, not ever. I changed my clothes and walked downstairs. Tom hugged me tightly and so did everyone else. We pulled away and I took a step back.

"I'm gonna move." I stated.

"Wait, why?" Travis said eagerly.

"I don't want this happening again. I'm just so scared. I don't want to bring him back into your guys's lives again."

"But Autumn-"

"No. I've made up my mind. I don't know where but I need to leave.... Travis, can I talk to you?" I pulled him away from Mark and Tom.

"Whatsup?" He asked

"Will you move in with me?" He immediately smiled.

"Yes!" He picked my up and spun me around an kissed me. I smiled and hugged him tightly.
The next day we started packing. Everyone skipped school to help. We packed all of my stuff first until we only had beds and couches in the house. I've had so many memory's in this house and know I'm leaving them all behind.

"Hold on guys! I gotta take this!" I picked up my phone and answered. "Hello?"

"Hello? This is doctor Peterson. We have horrible news."

"What is it?"

"Your mother... She passed away last night." I was in shock. No tears, no screaming, just shock.

"Thank you for the call." I hung up. I walked back to the guys.

"Who was that?" Travis said as he packed a box.

"That was doctor Peterson. My moms dead..." Travis' eyes widened and he hugged me.

"I'm so sorry!"

"Don't be. She wasn't a good person." Travis kept hugging me. I couldn't believe she was dead. Why do I feel no emotion? Holy shit. Even Travis felt bad and he hasn't even met her. I tried not to think about it and kept packing after Travis let go from a death squeezing hug. I packed away my guitar and Tom pulled away and sat on the small couch that was still remaining in the house.

"All the, small things, true care, true things..." He sang.
"You like it? We wanna make it a song but I don't know when we will."

"Yea it's pretty great. Any other songs?"

"Yea, this is called dammit.
It's alright, to tell me, what you think, about me, I won't try to argue, or hold it against you..." He sang the rest of the song and Mark walked in.

"Tom stop flirting. We are trying to pack."

"Mark I wasn't fl- flirting." Mark rolled his eyes and kept packing.

By the end of the day we had surprisingly finished packing. I got into the moving truck and so did Travis. Tom and Mark decided to go home and eat.

"We can stay at my place until we buy a new house." Travis says happily. Then I realize we have a whole other house to pack.

"I forgot we still have to pack up your place. Fuck" I mumbled.

"It's alright. My place is kinda small. I bet you tonight we could pack everything up and tomorrow we an put it in the truck. It won't be to hard. I'm just happy we are moving in together." I smiled by the thought of what he said. 'We'. I started the engine and drove to Travis' house.

We got there a few minutes later. He was right though, it was really small. We first ordered a pizza and watched a movie, then after that we started packing. It took is about 3 hours and I was exhausted. We went to bed around 1 Am and spent 3 more hours talking about life. After for what i thought was a million years, I fell asleep in Travis' arms.

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